29. Speak Up Sassy

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Marketta POV

Her sister was out of her ever-lasting mind!

"Alonzo has two kids? Already? We're young! What type of nonsense is that?"

"Alonzo's older, and he had his oldest son when he was young himself," her sister explained. "But really, his having kids is not a deal breaker for me."

"Girllll! I am glad I am not you. Couldn't be me."

They were in their room getting dressed for a session on Sunday night at the MAX house. Laila spent the whole weekend with Alonzo, and she had the room to herself, not that she had done anything. Caught up on some studies and finished a paper that was due in a few days. Meanwhile, her sister was somewhere getting her freak on.

Still a virgin, and she was okay with that. Absolutely was no rush to give her body to a man who would not appreciate her.

Then that made her think.

"Girllll! You better not be the next baby momma. I hope y'all using protection."

Laila threw a balled-up pair of socks at her head.

"Stop it! I am not sleeping with Alonzo. We're not there yet."

"But.." Call her naive, but she thought that was what a sleepover at a guy's place meant. "But you were in bed with him right, and you like him like that, right?"

"Yeah, so. We just lay there and talked all night. Then cuddled and went to sleep. Get your mind out of the gutter."

She sure gave it up quickly to that loser Manny, so giving it up to Alonzo was a step up. Except now that she knew this about Alonzo, she did not know what to think. She thought he was a good man, but maybe he was just like the others.

Not her business, so she had to leave it be. They finished dressing and then met Amber downstairs in the lobby.

"I can't wait till this is over and I have M A X on the front of my shirt!" she said with a laugh. "You won't be able to tell me nothing!"

"Don't let it change you," Amber said to her. "Be the same, just in the best sorority ever."

Huh! Whatever! She was going to be different. She was going to be a MAX and that meant a lot on the campus. Already she was President of the Black Student Union and others looked at her with respect. Now with the added bonus of being in the greatest sorority in the world, she would get even more respect.

She kind of liked it.

Once they made it to the MAX house, they did their secret knock on the door and were let in by Anika.

"Come on in ladies."

They performed their group greeting to Anika, Jameela, and Lark before going into their greetings for them.

"Nice ladies," Jameela stated. "Y'all look so good today. Have a seat and relax. This session is just going to be chill."

"Isn't every session chill," Anika said with a chuckle. "Y'all think we're too hard on you?"

Were they supposed to answer that question truthfully? Hell yeah, they were hard on them. Not knowing if they could be dropped for real was always on their minds. Not knowing if they would know all their information to take a test and pass. What if they said or did something wrong?

"Everything has been lovely, Big Sister," her sister replied

She side-eyed her sister. Why did she have to lie to them like that?

"I think your sister here begs to differ," Anika stated.

"I-" She stopped herself from speaking. She was not the captain of the line and she did not speak for the line.

Sister SisterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin