Chapter 4 : chess plays a part in life

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Each person has their own strings attached, usually, they're in red signifying death will one day chase them down. Strangely enough small percentage of it is purple with tints of red.

That string showed up in my dream last night.

I remember that I was sinking my face underwater and I looked up into the darkness. Dreams only come in faded colours of black and white. But this one was in dark purple. I could feel aches running all over my body. Sharp wounds are cut and glowing white. The amount of slits open was enough to brighten up the area. I could feel my arms and legs being pulled by multiple strings. Strings sharp enough to hurt me but not enough to wake me up.

My screams seem silent. Every string pulling me was glowing purple, they seemed fragile and easy to cut. Like sewing strings.

Under the amidst water this time I didn't feel like I was drowning or suffocating.

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5:18 AM

I woke up to beeping. My oxygen mask was failing to do what it was supposed to. I saw my heart rate going from 80 bpm to 40 bpm. Doctors rushed in with types of equipment to save me. Everything felt so cold. And then the white room becomes dark.

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Opponents have moved their pawn H7 forward
Your turn to move
You've moved your pawn C2 forward

against opponents moves will have consequences in this game, remember to make each move count. Lastly, try and survive. Opponents may return to their world. Upho and card options will be delivered to the players' consciousness. The game will continue once another fate sequel collides.

"Nadine, you've moved pawn C2
to save yourself. You're granted 3 cards.
Please pick one to presume"

Wait why do I need to pick?
What are these cards for?
And upho? What are those?

"These cards are your protection
Throughout this first round,
You're currently grasping for air
In your world.
One of these cards will help you.
But remember what I've said.
There are consequences. As for upho,
They're numbers, numbers on dice
But in card forms ranging from 1
Till 89."

So, what do upho do?
Are they any similar to these
Deck of cards?

"Certainly, but upho are the
embodiment of pain players will
Go through. Cards help protect you,
Upho comes and hurts you.
Simple? That's why every move
Will have consequences."

Then, I choose card 2
And upho 41
Wait, since I can't see what I've picked
Will it be shown in my time?

"You're a smart person, yes,
It'll come clear in your path
On what you've picked."

"So this is all based on luck?"

"Oh well it seems like our time
Is up, I'll see you in the next round,
Goodbye Nadine"

Nadine? But my name is Collie.
Whatever, so does that mean I can get out of here?

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"Kid stay with me here now! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!"
"Doctor, maybe we should just let her go"
"NO! We all vow at least to save everyone in this hospital while we can, especially a kid"
"But we can't, her heart rate is drastically low, she isn't waking up to our call and her body is abnormally cold, there's nothing we can—"

The commotion stopped as the doctor saw Collie open her eyes. Her heart rate is relatively low, beeping at 50 bpm but it quickly changed to 80 bpm. The once-concerned doctor calmed down and took a breather.

"Collie! You're okay!" Luhune hugged me close
"Of course I am, I always bounce back" my hand gently holding onto him. He let go of the hug and made way for a doctor to come in and talk to me.

"Kid, you're strong, all of your status shows us that you're adjusting normally again. Besides from your abrupt heart rate, everything else seems to be fine. We just need to keep an eye on your breathing for a few days and then you can be discharged"

"Thank you" The doctor leaves to attend to other patients, leaving me and Luhune alone again. Usually, we'd be talkative at a time like this but I was just tired. So eventually silence lasted longer.

"So Li, what happened to your family?" A question that clicked. My parents. I looked at him, waiting to answer but even I didn't know what happened. Suddenly everything comes back, guilt, sadness.

"You know before you came here I tried calling you, you left early and I just wanted to see if you were free today because I wanted to show you something. And when you didn't pick up the 10th time I got worried, so I came over to your place. You really gotta lock your doors Li—"

"But I did" Confused as I was, I never forget to lock the doors. "Can I continue then?" "Oh right, sorry"

"I knocked and no one answered, but then I saw blood cascading down from the front door. Sceptical I was I called you. Your phone was ringing from the other side I looked through the window and saw you passed out lifeless"

"So that's when you called the ambulance and dragged me here. And it was your eyes I saw!" The realisation hits me as the thought of everything happening so quickly, and it's only been a day after The Harmonic Lantern Festival.

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