After eating breakfast, Jeongguk decided to split the chores list instead of doing it together.

"Yumi, you do the laundry and vacuuming the whole house," Jeongguk gestured her to follow him. "The vacuum is right there," He pointed. Yumi nodded.

"I will clean the kitchen, fold the clothes and mop the floor after you're done vacuuming the whole house,"

"Okay," She said and took the pile of dirty clothes. It was not her clothes but instead it was Jeongguk's. "The audacity he has to make me wash his own clothes.. i can mop the floor instead," She grumbled and tried finding a washing machine.

Jeongguk was cleaning the kitchen counter and saw that Yumi was looking for the washing machine. "Oh right, i forgot to tell you. The washing machine is spoiled so my roommate sent it for repairing," Yumi secretly rolled her eyes.

"How am i suppose to wash your clothes now?" She groaned.

"Your mom or grandma never told you to clean it by hand?" Jeongguk joked.

"Both of them died," Yumi deadpanned. Jeongguk cleared his throat. "Sorry for your losses," He placed the rag and spray on the counter.

"Go to the bathroom, i'll help you," She nodded and went into the bathroom, waiting for his arrival.

He finally came. He had the items to wash the clothes.

"Squat down beside me," He said and she obliged.

"So first, you put the water in the big bowl," He took the warm water and poured it in the big bowl. "Soak the clothes in," He put the clothes in the water. "You pour in the detergent powder," He sprinkled the detergent powder.

"You then use your hands and take the brush." He took the brush. "And scrub it like this," He scrubbed the clothes gently and slowly. "After you finish scrubbing all the clothes, you take another big bucket and put in the detergent plus water mixed together," He continued. "You let it soak for 1 hour, after the one hour is up, you go and rinse it with water. Rinse it 3 times," Yumi nodded as she listened attentively.

"Sure i can do that," He nodded and stepped out of the bathroom to finish cleaning the kitchen.


After finishing the kitchen, he folded the clothes. The clothes weren't many as his roommate wasn't here. After folding the clothes, he went out and looked at Yumi struggling with the vacuum.

"Stupid shit, i already clicked this button. Why is it now even switching on?! How do the maids even do that," She muttered angrily to herself as she kept pressing the button.

"Woah calm down, you're going to break my precious vacuum cleaner," Jeongguk took the vacuum away from her. "You're pressing the use more power instead of switch on," He clicked the switch on button that was underneath the vacuum.

"Oh..." Yumi uttered in realisation. She didn't check underneath it. Jeongguk handed her the vacuum and she started vaccuming.


Jeongguk mopped the floor as Yumi was watching the TV.

After mopping the floor, Yumi went into the bathroom— she left the clothes a little more than an hour. She rinsed the clothes. She went out afterwards.

"Where can i hang the clothes?" She was carrying the basket of rinsed and freshly washed clothes. "I'll help you," Jeongguk said and took the hangers.

They went outside.

"You know how to do this right?" Jeongguk asked as he glanced at Yumi.

"Obviously," She actually was clueless but she remembered how she saw people in movies hanged their clothes so she did it like theirs too.

After they were done, they each took a shower.

"This is boring," Yumi said as she was scrolling through the TV shows. Jeongguk was no in his room resting.

She decided to just hum to a tune.

"Stop humming!" Jeongguk yelled from the other room and Yumi stopped.

"Rude much," Yumi rolled her eyes.

"Oh right, i wanted to tell him something," She widened her eyes in realisation. "But what did i want to tell him?" She tried thinking hard but it was no use. She couldn't remember.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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