^𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚💙❤

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Contains- fluff, pet names and what a couple does :) Sora being sick cause NO MORE ideas are on my FREAKIN mind.

For entertainment.


Third per;

The couple were normally taking a sleep in the middle of the night in their room that they shared. Jaxx was feeling fine cuddling Sora like a little pet. But for Sora, he felt a weak feeling, his stomach hurting and small coughs. Some other problems happened as well like shivering as if it were cold. The little boy pressed his face on the taller ones chest. (Like yk, hugging.)

Finally Sora flicked his eyes open. He went up from his and Jaxx's bed. And sat on a tiny chair that they had. Sora had a feeling he was unwell. Mabye cause he was.


"Jaxx.." Sora whispered, tapping Jaxx's shoulders. Well, his boyfriend was still asleep. Probably cause all of the things he did. "JAXX!" Screamed Sora as he continued to wake him up.
"What do you want!?" Jaxx asked, giving Sora a somewhat upset face.

"I-i feel...Unwell, today..."

"WHAT!?" Yelled Jaxx, not meaning to make a big noise. He quickly checked Sora by placing his hand on Sora's neck. "W-when did this happen!?" Jaxx concernly asked, giving Sora a hug. "I-...Just now?.." Replied Sora, taking a few coughs. Jaxx slowly rocked Sora like a baby, probably making Sora feel a little better.

"Are you ok?" Jaxx asked. "An obvious no stupid..." Sora mumbled.

Jaxx felt Sora shiver. So how' bout making him feel better? Jaxx ruffled Sora's hair as if it was a cat. (Pets..) "Awhh, your hair is so fluffy...." Complimented Jaxx, making Sora heat up more. "Then if its so fluffy, dont stop doing it." Whispered the blue, sick boy, shoving his face on Jaxx. It's sure obvious he enjoyed it...

"Now lets ask Alex if she has spare meds." Jaxx said to Sora as he lifted Sora up with all his strength. "Mhh! Y-you could just leave me here t-though!!!" Stuttered Sora. "Nu-uh, im never leaving you. Your sick and your the love of my life." Jaxx smiled warmly at Sora, making his boyfriend calm."i can walk myself so i can go with you..." Said Sora, kinda mad. "Fine..." Jaxx replied, putting him down. Though he was unwell, Sora was able to form a weak smile on his face. <3


Jaxx's POV;

I discovered Alex in the living room getting some water. Couldn't belive she was awake! I still felt Sora walking weakly. "Need help love?..." I asked. Sora didn't say anything, but i held his arm though for support.
I kissed Sora on the tip of his nose. "Hey.." Mumbled Sora. I gave him a little hug, for a sign of comfort.

"Hey Jaxx and Sora!! <3 watcha doin' at the night?" Greeted Alex.
"Can i ask you a question?" I said directly making Alex curious.


"Any spare medicines you have??"

Alex seemed like she hesitated for a while until she said; "why?"...

Oh! I almost forgot the reason..i explained what happened to Alex and she seemed surprised.

"Im sorry Jaxx! But i do have money to buy some." Alex reminded me... "But aren't all the pharmacies closed?" I asked.

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