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First request! By: Ash-Ellis

Thank you <3

(Short story)

Ship- Luclight

I'll be making a small plot twist,instead of doing the spicy thing immediately imma be doing a confession like they aren't dating yet if thats ok with you :)(Making the story a little or a lot different i guess 😭)

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I'll be making a small plot twist,instead of doing the spicy thing immediately imma be doing a confession like they aren't dating yet if thats ok with you :)
(Making the story a little or a lot different i guess 😭)

Short desc-(LIGHT-TOP LUCA-BOTTOM) Light as a Mafia boss and Luca as a sniper. Luca was doing his normal job, snipping other people in an alleyway, until Light went there, they started to know eachother more, and explain a plan on how to "kill" someone for fun. While doing their job they started doing some or a lot of romantic things, (plot twist->) Charli as a back up for them really loved their relationship, and decided to tell Luca to confess his love for the purple haired Mafia.


Luca's POV:

Ha- i love doing this. I thought to myself, aiming for a person with Blond hair and twin tails. (Its Alex, but its only an AU)


"Perfect." I whispered, while the somewhat blood drooling out of her.

A noise rustled from a nearby place in the alleyway, heck no, i cant get caught.

A purple short haired boy popped out from the place with the noise, which seemed like he was dressed up as a Mafia.

I hid in the corner hiding my whole self.

I seemed to make a big noise, catching the boys attention.

"Shit!" I mumbled, shutting my mouth with my hand.

"Who are you?" He exclaimed, looking around, he had some weird glasses for disguise i think.

He slowly removed those shaded glasses revealing his purple eyes, matched with his hair.

Woah, he looked pretty cute, and im sure he was a mafia by looks.

I mean a Mafia and a Sniper meeting eachother is fine right?

I peeked a little further, seeing his full body.

He eventually spotted me, running towards me.

Oh no! Am i going to get in trouble?...

"Hey." He greeted.

What? Wasn't he going to kill me or what?

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