riff raff and back home

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"I'm pulling the security tapes and running a computer sweep of Dr. Barsinister's research"

A security guard was talking to wolf and the guys who were taking the case.

"Thank you anything else we should know?" Wolf asked.

"Yeah another scientist was joining him"

"Oh yeah, Who?"

"....Thomas chesterfield"

The mention of his name made wolf stopped in his tracks.

"What?" He turns to the guard, "you mean Thomas was here?"

"Yeah he was released early from prison order by Dr. Barsinister"

"That son of a-I wanna sweep and search for Thomas, don't let him escape, I'll be dam if I'm gonna let him attack her"

Hey, guys...Yeah, that was some night. I was homeless and hungry. And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, these numbskulls show up"

Underdog and princess were running out in an alley when three dogs in mafia suits were passing by.

"Alright kid all we need to do is find a police and get you back to your family"

"Hey, runt You lost? The name's Riff Raff. I've marked this territory"

"Yeah, he marked it"

"Look, I don't want any trouble, OK?"

"Well, then today's your lucky day, mutt I'd rip you to pieces, but I don't want to get my paws dirty"

"Please don't hurt us" princess begged.

"Who's this? A kitten?" Riffraff growls at her.

"I hate kittens"

"Let's eat her"

"Wait a minute"

when he sees princess he immeitly recognizes her as the bad guys daughter.

"You're princess chesterfield"

"Daughter of Thomas chesterfield" one of his goons asked.

"No, daughter of those has been crooks, the bad guys"

This gives him an idea, "oh this is too good, if we capture the kid holding her hostage I can make the bad guys loyal to me"

"What?" His two goons asked.

" if we captures the kid and her little pupp, I can get the bad guys to do anything I want"

"But they are retired"

"Yeah but that doesn't mean they won't do anything to risk their precious little baby"

"Yeah. You're not worth his time, fleabag"

"Fleabag. Yes"

"Alright kid, come with me" riff raff was about to grab her when she and underdog ran.

"Get them!"

"Sweet. We're going to get him"

"Come back here!"

Underdog pushes the cart of thrash to stall them.

"That mutt dumped my trash. Come on. Get em, boys"

"He thinks he's a greyhound"

"Look at him go"

"I'll eat that runt for dinner."

"Dibs on leftovers"

Suddenly A car stops when princess picks up underdog and shields him.

"Oh! It's the cops beat it"

"I'm with you, boss"

THE BAD GUYS IN: underdogTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon