Don't wanna fail(VII)

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Chester's pov

I was alone in the kitchen scroling on my phone,it was late and i coudn't sleep so here I was,drinking monster and watching tiktoks at 1am.
I was stupid for drinking monster but i didn't want to drink soda and water since there were the only things i could.

I closed my eyes for a bit and put my hand on my head,it hurts.
i'm not tired but fuck it hurts bad.
Mandy was not home,she was at her sister this weeknd,her little sister,she was 13 and she lived with her aunt. I was alone two days but at least Mandy was happy i guess.
I felt blood coming out from my nose,dripping down my white shirt,I went to the bathroom to see.
I had nosebleeds,I hate this night.
I went to the living room and looked at the window,i was seeing the poor lights outside barely lighting the place,The middle of the autumn was kind of pretty.

I put a hoodie on,got my shoes and went outside.
Since Mandy is not here i could smoke,she hates smoking so i do it behind her back,she's overprotective sometimes and this is not big of a deal.

I went out,the air was warm and the lights were flickering,perfect time to smoke.
I walked like 20 minutes and I came to a abandoned place,it was an arena years ago,i sat on the cold concrete leaning my head on a building,i took a ciggarette and lit it up to smoke,God it felt good.
I felt relaxed,my head was full of stupid thoughts,I missed Mandy,i thought about my past,fuck it im happy now,i guess.

"Do you have another cig?"
I heard a voice a little far from me,it was fang,i never saw him dressed like this,he was in a black oversized shirt with grey cargo pants and some white shoes.
His haur was down and you could see on his face that he didn't sleep,his eyes were red and he barely talked.

"Are you okay dude? Come sit down" I told him.

"I had a rough day bro." He came next to me and sat next to me.
He looked sad,i gave him a cig and my lighter so he could smoke.

"I lost three showdown matches and i lost a lot of money this night at the casino at bulls,and i fucking got friend zooned,i drank but not much since two bitches started fighting at the bar and i had to go,i hate this."
He said pausing between sentinces to take another smoke.

"I know its getting hard dude but never put money at the casino,remember what happened to brock after he lost so much money?"

"Yeah bro,he got banned from playing 8 months from not having eanough money to pay bills,he was homeless 3 days,i know bro im just tired"
Fang said while leaning his head on the wall looking at me almost closing his eyes.

"Mhm,when you feel like this call me and we can go out for a smoke,i never knew you smoked Fang."

"I do,i hate it,im addicted tho and never told someone about it,only Edgar,he stole my pack tho,he doesnt want me to ruin myself."

"Same with Mandy,she's not in town so i got a chance"
I said it with a sigh at the end of the sentince.

"That's why ur like this man? it affect you the absence of your boss?"

"I love her man. I'm scared someone can take her,i want to protect her but I'm a scared cat sometimes and i fucking hate it"

"I feel you,you'll change tho."

"I dont want to fail,i want to have her forever and if she loses feelings i fail"

"I feel you Ches,you'll get it bro i belive in ya."

"Thank you man.."

Mandy's pov

I woke up,i was in a room at my aunts house,its 3:20 am,i cant sleep and im thinking about what Chester is doing,i hope he's sleeping or at least safe.

I eventually fall back asleep,still thinking about him.

I wake up with a sweet smell of pancakes,the ckassic pancakes my aunt used to make when we were young,when she took us after my father killed my mom. I hate that man and i hate the fact that in 3 years he will be out of prison,that alcoholic bitch,you may think why would i say this to my parent that worked for me to be alive.
He didn't,After My dad met Chester's mom at his work everything changed,That's where i met Ches and my life changed forever.
His mom was older than my dad but she had a little sister that started working there too,they slept togheter multiple times and my mom knew but didn't say anything,she knew that if she will try to leave him he will kill her since he manipulated her 9 years,I was 6 when my mom got prengnant with my sister,5months in the pregnancy my dad found out and acused her of cheting,she didn't and that was even the reason she didn't tell him.

Before I was born my dad was a bad person but only when he drank,he didn't beat my mom but after i got born he started,i used to get bruises on my hand from him trying to get me out of my moms arms when i was a baby so he could beat her,that continued until i was 5 and he decided to get a job and not stay all day and drink while mom was trying her best to put food on the table.

one year was okay,he didn't phisicaly abuse us only verbal,it did hurt my mom a lot and i wish i couldve help but what a 5 year old could do?..

After some time my dad offered us to meet his co-workers family and that was Chester,him mother,his aunt and his sister that was 2 years younger than me.
Chester was 9 but we got along well,my father was talking to that woman a lot and allways make excuses to go out when my mom knew they were going togheter.

The day my sister,Malia was born,my dad started to abuse us again and started to drink again,he stopped going to work 1 year after. One night,the night i'll never forget and the night wat made me have nightemares for 9 years. He came home from that womans house and saw no one in the kitchen,my mom was putting us to bed since it was late,she hard him screaming from down stairs,gave me her phone and told me a sentince i even now remember.
"My Mandy,here you go my phone,it you hear mommy screaming call the police okay? mommy is going to be okay just take care of Malia and dont live like me,i love you two."

These were the last words i heard before the fire gun from downstairs,Malia cried as i did too but not too loud as i called help.
Since then we were took by our aunt Valerina,my moms sister,we cut all contact with dad or anyone at his work even Chester and after i met him again i felt bad,i was 16 in highschool but we started working togheter and i started loving him.

Now Malia is living with aunt Valerina,the woman that saved us.
I miss my mom,i was young and coudn't do anything.
Chester dosen't know a lot about this,he thinks my mom got in an accident but i dont plan on telling him anything.

Chester's pov

I wake up in silance,i miss her.
I go to make myself a coffee,only one,i miss her. I go look at her room and see it empty,i miss her so fucking much.
This is the reason i dont want to lose her ever,i feel empty inside when im not with her or when she is not here,i hate my life when i can't feel her,she is the only one i have now.
I can't lose her,if i lose her i lose myself and i dont want to be in that situation,where i woke up unconcious in the hospital.
No,i wont let it happen again,i'll take care of her and keep her forever,if i hurt her ill hurt myself more,if i make her cry ill make her make me cry worse,if i make her mad i'll make sure she hurts me,as long as she doesnt leave im fine.
I'll put all her pain in me just so she wont leave me.
I can't let her leave,if i do i deserve death,nothing less or more.
She is special,i dont want to fail,I love her.


it's 3 am,i can't sleep and here i am making a 1600 word chapter.

You guys will get a collab tho sooooo.
Tysm for the suport and the love this made me so happy and helped me with motivation,i love Y'all guys sm and this chapter whas really important so i hope Y'all read it and im sorry if i have mistakes as i said its late AND i lost my glasses so yea my eyes hurt.

I love you all smm,see you in the next chapter byee❤❤

Ugh,Bitter like burnt syrup!(MandyxChester)Where stories live. Discover now