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Dear diary,

Today was a weird experience, i walked thru the school gate like i am going to do for another whole year (really not looking forward to it) and i saw Veronica by the way that's my best friend, i love her so much we are friends since kindergarten and that never changed , Bianca was there too, she is nice i guess. She is always trying to get me and Veronica to like her but she is a little weird so we try to stay away from her most of the time. so as i was saying i walked up to Veronica and Bianca and they were talking about their vacation. They looked up and saw me and i don't know they just had a weird expression in their eyes. 'Didn't you just walk in with your hair tied?' Veronica said... that was so weird cause no i didn't have my hair tied and no i just arrived so they were probably just confused. 'No i didn't i just arrived and no i have my hair loose today...'.

'Oh it was probably someone else then' and we start talking about our vacations. But when then bell rang i remembered that i still had to go to the reception so i speed walked there and when the receptionist saw me she was like 'Hi Avery, did you forget anything?' why did she just call me Avery. She knows i am indigo we know each other like is she pranking me or something? 'no m'am i'am here to get my schedule and my name is Indigo remember?'. 'Huh no you were just here! i must be getting delusional i think'. 

Yes she was, idk what was up but i just need my schedule or miss Battoir (miss bastard i'd rather call her) will be getting angry. she gave me my schedule and i ran to my first class. Miss Battoir did was angry with me but i got her to calm her balls.

That was actually the whole day for the rest it was quite peaceful so i hope you sleep well cause i will!

GN and love ya ♡

a new beginningTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang