Part 4 (2) - Misplaced

Start from the beginning

Somehow, his forehead ends up against Crosshair's wing, and he doesn't wake until his mind distantly registers approaching footsteps.


Hunter shifts, blinking awake and shaking Crosshair. His silvery wings flutter – their feathers are just growing in still. They're too small to fly with – all fuzzy and adorable – but they grow fast at first. Hunter's did. He wants to touch them. Understands why Crosshair did, anyway – Wrecker used to stroke Omega's all the time. She never minded. It was... different for Hunter because he hated them, and he still does. Crosshair hated them.

When the guards order Crosshair to come, he pulls from Hunter's arms before he can stop him. The door slams shut, ripping them apart, and leaving Hunter inside alone.

Crosshair twists back to look at him, but the guards shove him forward a millisecond before he and Hunter make eye contact.

Then they're gone, ignoring Hunter's demands to know where they're taking him and what they're doing.

He presses his hand against the bars, fingers wrapping over the icy metal. Without Crosshair, everything suddenly feels cold. He's freezing – the chilling, bone-numbing cold running through every inch of him. He doesn't know what's happening to Crosshair. If they're going to hurt him.

His chest is throbbing again. He almost forgot how much it's dulled from its initial wound.

He has no idea what's happening.

Now that Crosshair's gone, Hunter can say without a hint of hesitation that he'd much, much rather be stuck with Crosshair than be alone, no matter what he's done to them. Even if he doesn't care and wants Hunter dead.

He doesn't want to be stranded here alone.

He has no idea if they're bringing Crosshair back, or if he'll ever see him again.

Crosshair finally got to stop being alone, and they were just taken apart again. Stars, he must be terrified.

"I just got you back."

He doesn't want to let Crosshair go again.

"We don't belong to you, Crosshair!"

"Don't you?"


Tech – oh, stars, Tech. He's here. Like Hunter knew he was, and what's happened to him?

He shoves that from mind as violently and fast as possible. Not the first time one of his brothers tried to kill him. Tech wouldn't do that, but he did, and mostly Hunter should know how to deal with it by now. Happened before. No big deal. What happened to Tech to make him do this? What did Hemlock do to him? Well, at least for once, Hunter knows how he deserved it no matter how badly it hurts.

He doesn't know if Omega's here, or if anyone has seen her. If she's even no. Hunter refuses to accept a reality where his kid is dead. His life's been about getting her back, and after keeping her safe for so long, he can't imagine it any other way. Hunter has to figure out a way out. Which is hard, when they don't even know anything about the facility. He should've brought Echo.

Echo always knew what to do. He was strong and steady and maybe illogical but still reasonable in a way Hunter never was. He misses Echo so badly he can't breathe.

Being without Wrecker is the hardest. After living for months on the same ship as his little brother, the only source of life and light and focus for him anymore, having him away makes him even emptier. He's so, so accustomed to constantly feeling the flicker of Wrecker's energy signature everywhere. He's the only one there is anymore.

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