The psychic justice league

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Psychic justice league

A shiver ran through everyone's body when they saw Jack watching Wendy and Danny playing outside in the snow, but Robin noticed something strange.

The way Will looked at the screen, his expression was eerily similar to Jack's... even his eyes were the exact same color.

Wendy's conversation with the ranger ended and Mike said -see? It's not that difficult to use the code- turning to Lucas, who just rolled his eyes.

Although Joyce was very worried, without the phone lines, they were increasingly alone and locked in that horrible place.

While Will fondly remembered how Wendy had taught him how to use radios, she really liked those things.

And they continued watching another of Danny's walks through the halls of the Overlock, Dustin couldn't help but murmur in a low voice -here we go again-

Suddenly the perspective changes to the service hallways, that seemed strange to Will, he remembered this, well... ALMOST he remembered it, but he didn't remember going up to the upstairs hallways... so how?.

But their internal dialogue was interrupted when when they turned around the twins appeared again, once again getting everyone's outburst, since somehow everyone knew that this was different.

Before they were just visions, but now, somehow... the twins WERE there, in that same hallway as the boy.

And after saying his mythical and iconic phrase, everyone screamed in horror when they saw the horrible scene that was shown to the child.

They didn't know what to do, they all wanted to do or say something, but they just couldn't, the image was somehow much worse than anything they had seen in the previous films, as if terror emanated from the screen directly towards them.

Then they heard little Danny saying -Tony... I'm... scared- then he raises his finger and "Tony" answers -remember what Mr. Hallorann said... they're like pictures in a book... they're not real... don't think about them... they're already you let them in... don't let them out-

Joyce immediately stood up and said -STOP...STOP...STOP- she wasn't saying it to anyone in particular, but Will having the remote stopped the tape.

She turns to look at him and asks - honey... I have to know... do you still see those things? all the time?-

Will, very visibly uncomfortable, responds - it doesn't work like that... I'm not a "medium" like Steve... I only see what they want to show me... as far as I understand, the VAST majority are not attracted to my shining... rather it scares them, and after the Demogorgon I stopped seeing them completely-

Joyce saw that she was holding things back again, all night she had been acting very strange, but she decided it was better to let it go and return to the point when they were alone.

But 11, still very oblivious to the subtleties of the world, she said -maybe I can help you...- to which Will immediately responded -no, thank you...-in that tone that imitated tranquility that she apparently learned from Wendy.

But she didn't give up and said before the video was played again -you could join my practices with Steve, maybe if you get stronger...- but Will now, much more sharp and direct, says -NO, I'm fine, really...-

This time she did notice that she was bothering him, but she decided that she would not give up, he clearly needed help, and said -this is important, just think about it, what if...-

But Will had had enough and yelled at him -DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME ALONE?... NOW THE GIRL WITH "ARTIFICIAL" POWERS IS GOING TO TELL ME HOW THINGS ARE... What do you want... bring together the psychic justice league? ..or did you suddenly feel like following in your dear daddy's footsteps?

Several seconds passed until everyone finished processing what Will was referring to, their faces reflected different types of horror, among them 11 herself stood out, who now saw her actions in a new light.

Suddenly Mike stood up VERY angrily and said, more like a shout -apologize with 11, "NOW"- everyone instinctively expected a sincere tearful apology, or a grudgingly whispered one, they could live with that.

What none of us expected, not in a million years, was that Will would also stand up and, facing Mike, asked angrily -or what...?- and gave him a strong push on the shoulder.

That push shook him, but much more deeply than anyone believed, when she raised her head her expression had changed, to one of mockery, and she commented sarcastically - well it seems that she is not the only one who wants to follow in her daddy's footsteps... the question with you is which of the two: the idiot or the crazy one, although I think you balance them very well-

Will tells him -look, shut up, because if not...- at any other time everyone would find it funny to hear Will threaten someone, but that tone he was using did not bode well.

But Mike, far from being afraid, said -maybe I should go to Vermont to pay a visit to that other mother of yours...- that froze everyone, although they suddenly understood where this was coming from.

When he continued and said and her could be discussing what to do with that rude boy "all night" while...- he did not finish his sentence when Dan's fist collided with his face, knocking him to the floor.

But almost immediately Richie got back up and lunged at Dan, knocking them both to the ground.

Almost moved by a magnetic force, Dustin and Lucas pounced on them before they hurt themselves further, while the rest remained petrified.

Maybe a part of them tried to convince themselves that the two of them were playing a prank or something, but the blood on their faces made it clear that that wasn't the case.

They managed to separate them a couple of meters while both kicked to try to attack each other again.

Finally, Hopper stood up and shouted -HEY!!!- that finally made the group of oscan boys freeze and look up, then he said -you two, to the room... NOW-

The boys stood up, Lucas and Dustin sat down again while Richie and Danny followed Hopper to the room, from outside only Hopper's screams and the occasional comment blaming "coconut head" and "scarecrow" could be heard. for the event.

Lucas whispers -ouch... this became much more difficult, that skeleton is very elusive- to which Dustin next to him responds -tell me... When did the dwarf in our group become so big and strong?... and he doesn't even exercise!-

But finally the screams stopped and the door opened. Hopper left the room followed by Mike and Danny, who still seemed upset, but more controlled, no one said anything as they took their seats and played the tape again.

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Has anyone noticed that Noah Schnapp has the exact same eye shade as Jack Nicholson?

In my opinion, it's been a long time since Mike and Will had to fight each other, but it's also impossible for me to imagine them because it's simply not compatible with their characters... but something tells me that Richie and Danny wouldn't have that problem.

At least I'm sure there's no way Danny would put up with Richie's "mommy jokes."

I don't know why everyone has the idea drilled into their heads that Will is "small and delicate" (not to say feminine), and well, yes, I admit, that can apply to the Will of seasons 1 and 2, but ...have you seen Noah Schnapp shirtless?

It must be recognized that although Will is not a big and strong boy... he has the potential to be one, if he wanted to.

Transporting this to the universe of the series we could say that Jonathan inherited Lonnie's features but Joyce's complexion, while Will inherited his father's complexion and his mother's features (insert meme of "Ah, some guys have all the luck" from Spongebob)

But hey, as always, criticism and comments are welcome.

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