It works for them... why not?

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Technically this is a translation of a previous fic, but I decided to post it as inspired, so that people can find it more easily, remember that it is a translation, therefore the English will not be perfect

It works for them... why not?

When the last movie finished, everyone was a little shocked by what they had just seen so they took some time to calm down, the younger ones went to the kitchen to replenish supplies while they commented morbidly on what they saw in the last movie.

There was one of them who was much quieter than normal, and that was saying a lot to him.

When almost everyone returned to the living room Dustin asked him - are you okay? - Will just nods and smiles, as always, as long as he smiled everything would be fine.

His friend asks - the next one is yours... right? - that was not a surprise for Will, the shortest boy (that still surprised him, suddenly Will was no longer the shortest, he was even taller than Jonathan) was always the one with the most logical head, Will nods silently.

Dustin responds - take as much time as you need... we understand - and he retreats to the kitchen, leaving him alone.

Of course, it was always like that, little and delicate Will, although he was never the youngest and now he was no longer the shortest, always needed everyone to treat him calmly and patiently, lest he break down.

That made his stomach fill with rage, rage that he never knew how to express out loud. He began pouring soda into a glass while thinking "now everyone will see it, and everyone will look at him again with that damn pitiful face" at moments like He wishes he was the kind of person who bangs tables to ease the tension, but that's not who he is.

Suddenly a cabinet in the upper part opens and Will sees inside a familiar bottle, with orange liquid inside and a black label with white letters, the words they said almost seemed like a sign.

It was a stupid idea... very stupid, but for a 16-year-old boy it sounded very reasonable, so he took the bottle, opened it and, making sure no one entered the kitchen, poured a little into the glass, returned the bottle and finished refilling the glass with more soda.

He said to himself out loud, "It works for Hopper, Mom, Murray, Steve and Eddie... come on, it even works for Jonathan and Nancy... it's just to calm me down, it's like... medicine."

And he left the kitchen while he took a drink from the glass, without realizing that a reflection in the microwave was looking at him and a sinister laugh could be heard slightly in the air.

" / " / " / "

Work based on the series "The Party Watches" by Squirrel_Tail22 on AO3

Of course, at no time did it occur to me to tell the author of this great saga how to make his project, in no way, but my head is so full of ideas that I just have to get them out, I hope you understand.

Please take this as a "brainstorm" and feel free to use them, discard them entirely, take only some parts or reimagine the entire scene as you like.

Criticism and comments are welcome.

It works for them... why not?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon