"You don't think I don't hate him as well? I am calm and collected around him because I am waiting for the time where he let's his guard down enough to kill him. After all of the things that he has done not just to you but to the others-he doesn't deserve to live." Rini said calmly

Ayato looked at her confused and stunned. "Wait...so you acted like you gave a fuck about what he thinks?"

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer love. I can assure you that I have no interest in being 'nice' with that fucker. At the end of the two years, we will kill that bastard and you will take his power as vampire king. With that power you will be unstoppable and no one will be able to cross you. You will have final say in everything." Rini said with a smile

He went back to her and cupped her face giving her a passionate kiss on the lips. "I love just how devious you are Rini. Fine, I'll play nice until that time. Just you better not do shit to hurt yourself or our son."

"I won't love, don't you worry about that dearest." She said with a smile

It was mid-November when Rini ended up giving birth to her son. When she did in her manor were the other five Sakamaki brothers who wanted to see who their nephew was. It was more than a few hours before Rini had came down with Ayato as she held her son in her arms. Rini looked beyond tired but she was too damn stubborn to rest. The first one to go towards them was Kanato who was rather curious about what their nephew looked like. 

Seeing the child having red hair which was a given since both of them had red hair, the child's eyes were unique. His left eye was brown while his right eye was green. Kanato looked at Rini stunned. "He has both of your eyes."

"He does, it is rather rare for children of my kin to have that. But I am happy that I have him regardless." Rini said before she smiled at him. "did you want to hold him?"

Kanato nodded his head holding his hands out. Rini gently gave her son to Kanato who was rather gentle and careful while holding the child. "So...what did you name the child?" Kanato asked

"This asshole wanted to name our son after him, but I refused it since I didn't want to follow in my parents foot steps and name my first children after us. After explaining that to him, we settled on naming him Ichiro." 

"Have you chosen to take on the Sakamaki name or will you keep your family name?" Reiji inquired

"My family name is not licensed in Japan as a name that is known. So I have already chosen to take on the Sakamaki name. So I've made sure that my son has that same family name." Rini said with a smile "Which makes sense to me since I see the rest of you boys as my brothers."

Reiji looked at her with a smile and an approved nod. "As you should, you should never be ashamed of being married to the male that you are with. Even if he has caused much trouble for you in the end he was the one who kept you from killing not just yourself but many others as well."

She nodded her head in agreement. "Mhm, I'm aware of that."

"So how much longer are you going to be here for? Father has been asking about the two of you constantly for the last few months." Shu said with a sigh "It's rather annoying constantly getting things from him asking about the two of you."

"I apologize you've been going through that big bro shu, I never meant to make so much lean against you guys." rini said sadly

"Eh, don't worry about it. He's just being impatient. He's been aching to punish you two for what he thinks is a lie. I should warn you two that he has plans to kill your first child." Shu explained as he got up walking up to the duo

Rini's eyes widened stunned before it turned to complete anger, she then looked at Ayato. "How quick can you pack our things love?"

"Quick enough, but are you going to be alright with leaving? You just gave birth to our son. You should rest before we leave." Ayato asked concerned

She let out a sigh as she rubbed between her eyes. "Fine...I'll take a nap but afterwards we're going home. And I'm going to kill that asshole before he gets a chance to get anywhere near my baby boy!" She growled out annoyed

Kanato saw just how angered she was and looked at her concerned "Are you sure you're going to be able to do that? He isn't one to let his guard down easily."

"He does a bit too easily do so around me Kanato, he doesn't see me as a threat. Unlike you boys. I haven't shown any violent intents." She said before she looked at Subaru "Big bro Subaru, may I borrow your knife please?"

"You'll get it after you rest woman. Get your ass upstairs and rest, we'll watch over your kid until you are ready to go alright?" Subaru said seriously with his arms crossed

She nodded her head. "Okay, thank you all for being here. Please do make yourselves at home, after my nap we'll leave." She said before she went upstairs to go and nap for a bit in peace

Rini rested for five hours before she got up and got herself dressed in different clothes. When she went downstairs it was just her and Ayato with their child which confused her. "Where are your brothers?"

"They went back and a few of them took our things there so we can focus on Ichiro."

"Oh...I see. Well then let's get going."

The two of them first said goodbye to Julio and Kayla before they left out together, when they had gotten to the human realm Subaru was waiting for them by a tree with his arms crossed. "Father is already there waiting for you guys." He said seriously before he took his knife out of his pocket, giving it to Rini. "Kill him not just for the sake of your child, but for the rest of us too."

"I have every intention of doing so. Ayato and I have a plan we've been talking about since he chose to pop out of nowhere to question him and I months ago. So we'll be fine as long as you and the others work with us."

"You'll hear no objections from the rest of us. Even Reiji is starting to hate our father and you know how much of a kiss ass he is."

Rini nodded her head. "I'm well aware of that. Let's get going, the sooner I can kill that bastard the sooner we can live our peaceful lives."

The four of them got to the manor together as Rini hid the knife on her person out of sight. When they had gotten inside of the manor Karl Heinz was waiting for them, the moment he saw the child in Ayato's arms he went straight for the child only for Rini to get in front of her husband and child pulling the knife from her sleeve stabbing him with it as she glared at the elder male with hate in her eyes.

"You fucker! You will not take the life of my son! His life is more precious than your sinful life! His life will be different than the lives you had planned out for your sons! You will never see the day where your grandson sees you. I will be sure he knows just how much of a hateful cold hearted bastard you've always been to his father and uncles! Burn in hell with that bitch you called a wife!" Rini said hatefully as she then used her freehand to pull his heart out and burn his body into ashes. 

All of the brothers saw what she did and looked rather stunned seeing just how much power she had. 

"Holy shit Rini...when the hell did you learn to do that?!" Subaru said shocked

She wiped the blood off her hand before tossing Subaru the knife which he caught with one hand. "It's one of the few things I gained as the queen of my sector. Each sector has it's own element. Mine just so happens to be fire." She said with a shrug before she looked at Ayato. "Feel any different love?"

"A bit yeah...You might wanna take our son babe."

She did quickly before he placed a hand on the top of her head. "I need to be alone for a moment to adjust to what just happened. I'll find you when I'm better."

"Sure thing dear, do what you have to." She said with a smile

Once Ayato was gone Rini looked at Reiji. "Where did you wish for me to have my son Reiji?"

"Allow me to show you Rini, welcome home."

Rini smiled hearing his words. "Thank you...it's good to be home."


[Sequel to untitled love] Oath to Heart [Diabolik Lover love story]Where stories live. Discover now