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When Rini had finished her tea party with Kanato, she took the time to take Ruki to her bed room within the manor. The two of them were quiet in the hall before she reached a room that had a lock on it. She raised an eyebrow. "What the hell?" She asked confused aloud

Subaru came by the room and he saw that Rini wanted to go into her room. "So he actually did it huh? Reiji locked your room up since Yui kept trying to go into your room for some reason. Hold on let me get the key to the lock."

"Okay thank you big brother baru."

He patted the top of her head softly before he left out, while they waited in the hall Ruki looked at her curiously. "So how is it that you even ended up here anyways? You never really explained it to my brothers and I how you managed to be here instead of with my brothers and I."

"I don't remember what time era it was, but the boys were all still kiddo's. I was raised in an orphanage until I was adopted by a human family. I didn't know at the time that I was a succubus. The orphanage I was in was an all female orphanage. So when I went back with the family and I started to talk with the elder duo well...strange things started to happen when I was a child. I started to get strange looks from the elder male, I hadn't realized every time I talked with the male that it was a massive turn on." Rini started to explain as she held onto his hand with both of hers

Ruki listened to her while he kept his eyes upon hers.

"Neither one of them knew what was going on until they had twin children-a male and female who never liked me at all as they grew up. I had been kicked out as the elder male and younger male both had cornered me when I was trying to get them for breakfast that morning. The elder female had offered me off to many people who brushed me off until Karl Heinz...the man I now call father adopted me instead." 

"It must have scared you Rini." Ruki stated concerned for her

She nodded her head as Subaru came back with a key in his hand. "Here you go, just be sure that Reiji gets it back before you leave out alright?"

Rini smiled at Subaru. "Thankies big bro! I'll be sure that big bro Reiji gets it back before I leave tomorrow night."

Subaru gave the key to her before he patted her head once more then left out, Rini then unlocked the door as she continued to speak to Ruki. "When father adopted me, I ended up being introduced to the boys here and their mothers Beatrix; Shu and Reiji's mother, Cordelia the triplets mother and Christa, subaru's mother. Beatrix was happy to raise me and was the one I got along with the best. Christa was always so mentally ill and she tweaked out every time big bro subaru would try to introduce me to her. So I never really got to talk with her. Then there's the bitch Cordelia. The bitch was...well a bitch not just to me but to the triplets as well. At first I just spent time with Laito and Kanato, but as I realized what happened with him, well..I spent my time with him in the study room by the library."

"Is that when you had decided to be around the idiot?" Ruki asked as he shut the door behind him as they came into the room.

Rini put the lock on her vanity and she put the key in her diary. She then looked at Ruki and shook her head no. "Nope, we were still kids back then. At that time I didn't even know the ages of the others. It wasn't until their birthdays passed that I ended up finding out how old they were and their birthdays. It took them four years to ask me about my age and birthday since it was Reiji who ended up realizing after I had asked him about his upcoming birthday that he never remembered them celebrating mine."

He let out a sigh. "Truly what sibling doesn't ask about that beforehand?"

"None of them trusted me, so I understood to a point why I didn't celebrate my birthday with them. I ended up for those four years previously celebrating my birthday on my own in the kitchen...which sucked. All I ever ate was a mere cupcake then that was it." Rini explained as she sat down on one of the two chairs that were in her room

He sat down beside her and placed his hands together. "So when is your birthday, I don't believe I ever got it from you Rini nor your age."

"I'm sixteen-the same age as my big bro Subaru, and my birthday is December 9th."

"Hm...so while you lived with us your birthday passed already."

Rini frowned as she averted her eyes. "I...I apologize for not saying anything Ruki. I...I didn't think it was that important so I didn't say anything about it."

Ruki gently held her chin in his hand, making her look at him before he kissed her lovingly on the lips. "I'm not angry, I'm just a bit upset that we couldn't celebrate your birthday that's all. From here on out I'll be sure that we do."

Rini teared up as she heard the sincere tone he had with her. "Y-You...You're not mad at me?"

"I'd never be mad at you. Now tell me how you managed to find out about who and what you are and how you ended up being around that Sakamaki before me."

"O...Okay Ruki."

[Sequel to untitled love] Oath to Heart [Diabolik Lover love story]Where stories live. Discover now