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After dinner, Rini spent a bit more time with Subaru before she felt tired and went to find Kanato. When she found him he was roaming the second floor halls. "Kana.." Rini spoke out loudly

He turned himself to look at her. "Oh, there you are Rini. Ready to rest?"

She nodded her head. "I am."

"You didn't bring anything with you..did you?"

"Nope, my mate didn't want me to."

"I see, you keep saying that yet you won't disclose to anyone who."

"I have to Baru, he knows. When I am gone you may ask him if you wish. I have disclosed it to him due to him asking about the four males that I now live with. My guess is that he hoped that I wouldn't go with the male he had hard time getting along with."

"I see, come with me. Before you sleep I want to talk to you."

"Very well, just don't be upset with me when I do end up falling asleep on you Kana."

He nodded his head and the two of them left for his room, what they didn't know was that Ayato had been overhearing their conversation. He had been following Rini around since he knew she had made herself known in the manor. He barely was able to hear anything when she spoke with Reiji or Subaru earlier in the evening. After dinner, he was irate that she had said so much bad, cruel things about him.

So he wanted to know who he'd have to beat the shit out of just to get his place back at her side. When he followed Kanato and Rini to Kanato's room, he again couldn't hear much of anything as he sat outside of the bed room. He wanted Rini back, but he knew damn well that she didn't want him back. He betrayed her and there was nothing that he could do about it but suffer now that he had broken the oath that he had made with her many centuries ago.

When Kanato and Rini went into his bed room, rini ended up cuddling with Kanato for a bit before he spoke with her asking her question and he ended up finding out on his own just who she ended up being around. Once Rini fell asleep, Kanato stayed by her side the entire night sewing and making things for her to take back with her. Once it became night once more Rini woke up and smiled as she saw Kanato.

"Evening Kanato."

"Evening Rini, looks like your ex has been stalking my bedroom since you and I came in here."

She rolled her eyes as she sat up from lying down. "Well he did it to himself. So, what dress did you want me to wear for our tea party tonight?"

"Oh right! I had said that I had a dress I made for you." He said as he got up

Kanato got to his closet before he opened it, he then picked out a duo strapped black and purple sparkly dress that was layered. Rini's eyes widened as she gasped in awe. "Kana that looks so beautiful!"

"I'm glad you think so, can I see you wear it Rini please?"

She instantly got up before she went up to him. "Of course! It'd be my honor to wear it! Let me go into the bathroom Kana."

He nodded his head before he gave it to her. "Let me escort you there so he doesn't bother you."

"Thank you, I'd like that very much Kana."

Kanato and Rini went out of her room as she hugged the dress tightly. "Thank you so much for making this for me Kana, it's the most beautiful dress I've ever seen you make!" She said happily as they walked down the hall

Kanato smiled as he looked at her proudly. "Well I wanted to make a dress for you that you can wear that proves that we're siblings Rini. I stitched into the back part of the top of the dress my name, so you will always have a part of this family with you."

Rini looked down at the dress and looked at where he had said, and on the back rim of the dress there embodied into the dress was Kanato's name in gold thread. She stopped walking and she hugged him tightly. "You are the best big brother ever! Thank you so much!"

Kanato smiled smugly as he hugged her back. "You're welcome Rini."

When they got to the bathroom he stood outside of the room as Rini went in to change her clothes. As she finished slipping the dress on her body she narrowed her eyes as she saw Ayato from the mirror. But she didn't speak a word to him as she grabbed her clothes and left the bathroom.

Kanato smiled seeing her in the dress he made. "How does it feel Rini? Is it too tight or too loose?"

She shook her head no "I'm very comfortable in this, thank you so much big brother." She said happily

"Good, I'm glad to hear it. Now let's get you seated so I can get everything prepared for our day together." He said happily

She nodded her head happily and softly placed her hand within his. They went into the room where he would have tea parties with her before he sat her down at the empty table. Once she was pushed in, he smiled at her sadly. "I do truly apologize for the last time you wanted a tea party with me that you ended up leaving because of that woman. It will never happen again, I know now that you cherish our time together when we have our tea parties together. While you slept I went back and forth from looking over you and making things for tonight. So please give me a moment to get what I need from the kitchen."

She smiled at him. "Of course, I'll be awaiting you to return big brother."

When Kanato left the room Ayato went in and he went up to her cupping her face in his hand. "God damn it Rini! How long are you going to give me the silent treatment before you actually talk to me like you used to?!"

She smacked his hand from her face before she humph'ed out and looked away from him. Ayato grabbed her by the back of her head only for Ruki to come into the room. "I would suggest you to let go of my fiancé before you end up on the ground Sakamaki."

"Darling!" Rini said happily as she elbowed Ayato in the gut to make him let go of her before she got up and hugged Ruki tightly "I thought you said you weren't going to check up on me?"

"I wasn't originally, but the others are all occupied at the moment. So I figured I'd take the time to see how you've been. Have you had any other problems other than dealing with him?"

She shook her head as she smiled at him. "No not at all! The others are all happy to see me here. Yesterday I spent time with Reiji and Subaru, today I'm spending it all with Kanato since I owe him a lot from the last time I saw him. Then tomorrow I'm spending time with Shu and Laito. So far only Kanato and Subaru knows that I'm with you. Reiji and the others have yet to know about it."

"I see, and I see you've been a woman of your word keeping yourself from speaking with him. I was worried about that, but I see I have nothing to worry about seeing that you aren't even allowing him to touch you let alone speak to you. You truly are a loyal woman, I'm pleased to have been graced to be with you Rini."

[Sequel to untitled love] Oath to Heart [Diabolik Lover love story]Where stories live. Discover now