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Rini moved her chair closer to Ruki's and she leaned her head against his arm as she hugged it tightly. "It was not long before the boys began to scheme to kill their mothers a century ago that I ended up finding out about who and what I am. Father...father took me to the side and he explained to me just what I was since he was busy looking into what I was which was why he wasn't around as much as he would have been. He found it odd that I had lasted as long as I had. He had thought I was human, knowing that I had lasted as long as I had he knew I wasn't. So he went searching for clues and answers."

Ruki was silent as he looked down at her, knowing that she was going through a lot and was going to need him to comfort her through going past the trauma that she was going to be reliving in her mind.

Rini took the pendant she was wearing off of her and placed it in her hands. "Father found this. He said that he went to the orphanage I was placed in after it was condemned and found my file. With it was this and he found out that I was a succubi from it, he also found out who my real parents were. He didn't know any of the covens of the incubi or succubi, so he told me to keep the information about my coven name to myself but he was going to announce that I needed to be around someone by a certain time. That there was so much about my race that was unknown that they had to be careful with me." Rini said before she placed it down on the table 

"You've never truly known anything about your family...have you?" He asked curiously

She shook her head no. "Not until I was given a letter by my birth parents to see them. I had first talked with father about it, asking him if I should go along with it or not. I feared what would happen if I did. I had already made my oath with him at the time. The oath between Ayato and I came to be after he had killed his mother with big brother laito and Kanato. He...He went almost insane had I not said anything to him about losing himself. He had told me that at that time he wanted to be with me but couldn't with his mother in the way which is why he killed her. I believed it and asked him to give an oath to me about it. I knew how to do the oath through dreams that I've had in the past previously to what the boys had done."

"I see, so you learnt to do the mate oath through your dreams growing up. I'm guessing that is normal for your kin?" Ruki asked curiously

Rini nodded her head. "Before my blood family chose to be meanies to me. I had asked them lots of questions about what had happened to me in the past and got answers about them in rather good detail from the elder male of the family."

"So what happened after you got that letter and you spoke with father about it?"

"I spoke with the Sakamaki's about it. Instantly Ayato hated the idea and wanted me to stay here. He didn't want me to leave and wanted me to stay where he could keep an eye on me. The others were tossed on the idea other than Reiji who knew that I had been searching for answers about myself only to not find much on my own. He knew that if I went to see my blood family that there was a chance that I would be able to have a peace of mind about it." Rini stated "Ultimately...I chose to go after I was threatened by father to go or he'd make sure that he'd sever the bond between Ayato and I by killing me which would have killed a part of him completely. So...I did. For five years...For two years I ended up being able to talk with my family and get information not just from them but from the books in the estate. But after a family dinner I found out that they didn't like that I was with a vampire and chose to disown me and lock me in a cell."

Hearing what she said his eyes widened "How did you survive for so long without him?"

"I barely was able to hold myself together, one of my brothers was kind enough to help me out of the cell and told me never to come back. So I ran and I didn't have any intention of going back. When I did come back here the first person I saw was him and he didn't seem happy at all to see me....and I've told you the rest from there." Rini said sadly

"The fact that he still thinks he has the right to call you anything close to being his is a joke. He had the chance to show that he loved and cared for you and he never did. You don't deserve that type of treatment."

"I know..So what will you do now that you know everything?"

"I'm merely going to use what I know now to keep you from him, he doesn't know about the hardships you've gone through does he?"

She shook her head no sadly "He's never cared about my past or what I've gone through as a child or otherwise."

"Tch, typical of that bastard. Don't worry, I'll always keep you safe. I promised you didn't I?"

She gave him a small smile before she got up and sat on his lap with her legs on either side of him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You did and I will always take you up on that promise, I don't want to be strong anymore than I have to. I hate having to do that just to get a point across. I might be small, but I'm far from weak."

"I know that, you are sixteen now. You are at the peak of your strength and abilities. You will only get more attractive and seductive as the years go on."

Rini nodded her head and smiled as she leaned towards him to kiss him on the lips. "And you'll be right beside me to see it all happen darling Ruki." 

[Sequel to untitled love] Oath to Heart [Diabolik Lover love story]Where stories live. Discover now