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To be an elder is to be responsible to be mature to obey everything everyone says and not to argue back but........ Even if it is the question of our future?? Our career. Is this decision also made up by the family. The family who didn't even know what their daughter was going through everyday how she was coping with the surroundings around her?? Did anyone emotionally support her?..
Did someone reassure her that she is not alone? If you didn't do anything  you don't know anything about your daughter how can you force her to obey all your orders without a hitch. I always wonder why? But what can we do we can't just judge our parents however they are. I still remember the slap which I had just because I wanted to follow my dreams. Just because I wanted to be a successful Gynecologist rather than a businesswoman.
The slap was not the first but it was worse because it was given to me by my father just because I wanted to be a doctor. It's not that he didn't beat me up. He always did that to me in childhood. Oh Btw am Rysha Singhania from India........ " Dr. Rysha you are needed in E. R now" My assistant Lucy called . Where was I.... Yess I am Dr. Rysha singhania A proud Gynecologist. Not just Gynecologist Am also the chairwoman of Canada's 1st best hospitals 'NGC hospitals' and the youngest doctor in Canada. I love how proud feeling conquers my whole chest whenever I narrate it but however success in the past still haunts me. Still those beatings, those taunts, those verbal abuse, the badwords, those sentences which question my whole existence are still hurting it's been 15 damn years for those incidents but still the memories are fresh in my mind......

After the surgery went successful. " Congratulations Dr. Rysha this was the toughest conjoined twins surgery" "You were literally working like a goddess in there " "Your form was adorable Dr. " All doctors congratulate me " You all helped me the most, thank you so much for your cooperation and your skills  I am seriously blessed to have amazing and skilled doctors like you" I say humbly
" As her habit of not taking the credit, you all know right " That voice literally shook me from head to toe. " Kevin, it's not my habit we all worked together so grabbing the whole credit is inhumane " I say removing my gloves and mask. " I know, how you are Dr. Rysha " He says " Do you wanna grab a bite " I ask him because I was starving duh who can stand for a freaking 15 hours without a sip of water...... Doctors do it by the way. " I am lucky to have dinner with you , anyway my night shift is today " He says as we head towards the canteen. He is Kevin Sven my best friend, best cardiologist in my hospital and the man I love and trust the most in this whole world even more than my parents. He does not know the last part and I don't wanna tell him, it can ruin our 9 years friendship. He was my classmate when I came to Canada for MD. Degree. I didn't know or talk to anyone there I was kinda shy and very introverted.  Most of the people were bullying me and troubling me. But that didn't demotivate me from my goal. My father didn't accept my dream and stopped helping me financially he didn't care if his daughter lived or died .All he cared about was money.
How can a father even do that, right? But he did.....
    Kevin knew all of it. My past, mainly I don't tell anyone but I trust him because I love him he is kind caring and great towards everyone . And that is the quality I love the most about him. " Ryhss, Ryhss what would you like to have? " I hear his deep and husky voice which sinks in my stomach oh how much I love when calls me by the nickname by which only he can call me ' Rhyss'. Knocking me out of my thoughts. " Umm. I will have some spaghetti " I say we both take our respective plates and walk over to the table " So are you prepared for the trails of the new machine for the heart patients " I ask him while swirling my fork in my spaghetti not interested in eating it and looking into his deep shade of green eyes. " Yaa I have to give a presentation to board members are you also present tomorrow? " He eagerly asks looking deep in my eyes which makes me flutter " Ye.. Yeah I am present if any case is not taken care of. I will get my schedule tomorrow. " I say "ok, pls do come after all you are my lucky charm " He says smiling towards me which makes my heart do somersaults. His smile is genuine , reassuring and comforting. Which melts my heart. I love spending time with him. After reluctantly finishing my plate.we take clean our plates and walk out of the canteen. " Will you go by yourself?? It's late now nearly midnight are you sure? " He says his voice full of warmth and comfort and protective towards me at that moment I feel every type of emotions it's not that he never asks me this type of questions whenever I leave late but I don't know today was different his eyes were screaming that pls be safe, I worried about your safety. "  Yeah... Kevin if you forgot incase I have my own car and I can also ride it so dont worry go do your thing" I say heading towards my car " Ok then after you reach dont forget to give me a call of you forget I will kill the shit outta you " He says hugging me "ok I will not forget " I say laughing at his cute protection.
I was awakened by my phone's ringing .
" Mam could you pls rush to the hospital it's an emergency " I hear Lucy's voice from the other side "ok" I answer quickly and rush to the hospital. I quickly grabbed a cup of coffee and was ready to burn midnight oil it was probably 3 o'clock in the morning. When I reached there the patient was being dragged to the delivery room. When I saw a male nurse who I don't think I knew but my mind was occupied by the patient I called him . Something in his eyes was familiar though he wore a mask . I was feeling familiar with him. I shrugged the feeling " Excuse me? Can you oka bring me my scrubs from my office it's an emergency " I say in the urge of an emergency. He didn't say anything and calmly walked away I was so annoyed that time luckily Lucy came to the rescue and brought my scrubs and I rushed in.
10 hours of freaking 10 hours of work without a blink of sleep is tiresome. But I didn't have time to relax so I called Lucy in my office for the information of that anonymous nurse I can't believe I have some arrogant nurses in my hospital. She knocked on the door " Come in " I say " Maam you called me is something wrong " She asks with concern. " No Lucy but can you check if any new nurse has been working in night hours? " I say calmly stretching myself. " Ok mam " She says and sits across my table after 10 to 15 minutes " Maam actually no new nurse has been working at night hours. Is there anything wrong" she asks. " No, and also you can leave now " I say and she exits. If there is no new nurse who could it be? Am I Hallucinating or something but no how can I. I still can feel the familiar connection from earlier.
Is it some stalker?? Or is it someone who wants to ruin a hospital's reputation??

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