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Summary: He's a catch!

It seemed to be a common consensus that Killer needed a hobby- aside from knife collecting, stabbing, and various other knife-related activities

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It seemed to be a common consensus that Killer needed a hobby- aside from knife collecting, stabbing, and various other knife-related activities. Much to his chagrin, he was saddled with "normal hobby attire" - a bucket, fishing rod, tacklebox, bag of bait, lunchbox, and chair - and told to explore the "calming wonders of the sea" via fishing. Something not only boring but an activity he appeared to have zero proficiency in. Certainly not for a lack of trying, at that.

He'd even thrown away all his bananas to be extra cautious! Alas, superstition did not appear to be on his side.

The teary-eyed skeleton's narrowed gaze skimmed the water's surface with frustration before he reeled in his - once again - fishless hook. A hiss escaped his jaws. With the anger of three wasted hours, he launched the infernal fishing rod against the pier and flopped back into his chair, crossing his arms.

At this rate, I'd have more success fishing with a knife!

At least, he would if it hadn't been confiscated before he came out to the beach.

"Stupid monsters and their dumb 'normal' hobbies," Killer huffed.

His hopes to regain any meaning in his lost time were thoroughly dashed-

Until a dark, viscous hand suddenly jutted out of the water. The hoodie-clad skeleton stared, speechless, while the most beautiful figure he'd ever seen rose from the sea. The skeleton-esque being bore a regal physique, a striking cyan eyelight that complemented their gooey complexion, and a flowing mop of deep green hair. Their dark phalanges clung to the wooden boards in front of him as octopus-like tendrils crept out of the water behind them, aiding them in their ascent.

"I'm-" The sea-drenched individual started, their velvety, masculine voice reverberating in Killer's non-existent ears.

"An enchanting mermaid!" Wasting his time at the beach had paid off after all!

The handsome being finished clawing their way onto the pier, revealing two not-finned legs and worn, waterlogged clothes.

"Tired from being stranded at sea." The other hissed, using a tendril to slap the mop of seaweed atop their skull in the teary-eyed skeleton's face.

He gagged as the salty ocean weed got in his mouth, coughing the last bits of it away as the mysterious beauty trudged away.

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