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Let's start the story 

We see everyone in class excited because today is battle tournament they can challenge anyone they want and most surprising that even champions are present here 

Ash knew what is gonna happen either battle alone or in a team he had recall his team 

He sat pikachu on his shoulder and said 

“Ready for the battle we have face a legendary “

Pikachu said 

“Really after this I am name myself legendary killer “

Ash chuckled 

Goh already left

Chloe and cerise were at school 

So after locking the lab he went on ahead 

Ash said 

“How about we do little breakfast “

Pikachu nodded 

They went to cafe but notice three woman particularly looking at cafe they were wearing disguise but ash knew who they were 

Ash said 

“Hey ladies how may I help you “

Both jumped at his respons 

He knew who they were so decided to have fun 

He said 

“If you want to eat you can come with me i known this place more than anyone “

Both looked at each other then one said 

“Hello we would like to examine food here we are from the food inspection “

One said 

“We heard that this place gets popular around students so we would like see if everything is normal “

Ash smile and nodded he inwardly was making plan to handle them 

They enterd the cafe ash went to counter whispered something then came back 

One asked 

“What did you tell him “

Before saying the waiter came and said 

“Hey ash good to see you your table is ready “

Ash nodded and said 

“Thanks “

They went to the table and notice the line was empty one said 

“Look the lines are empty “

Ash said 

“It's because this is for the customers who are regular currently I am the one “

They nodded one said 

“It's good other we would have deal with crowd “

Ash said 

“Why “

They said 

“Nothing “

As the waiter came he said 

“Hey budddy what my man need right now “

Ash said 

“For me i like a coffee and for my little buddy “

As Pikachu jump from shoulder and point at Ketchup 

Waiter said 

“Ok you will gte big one “

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