BOTM Interview: Dusk01181-Reminiscent Index

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This interview was conducted on April 27th, 2024 with the author Sunset-01181 for the April 2024 Book of the Month contest. Congratulations to and their book: Reminiscent Index.


Scribe's Hollow: When did you first start writing and what inspired you to start?

Dusk-01181: I started writing around high school, movies, games and novels like Dune from Frank Herbert and different mythologies too

SH: Who are some authors that inspire you?

D: Frank Herbert, H. G. Wells, H. P. Lovecraft and Stephen King oh and Edgar Allan Poe.

SH: What is your favorite childhood book?

D: The Lightning Thief good book about Greek mythology as well has a good power system.

SH: What is your book about?

D: Reminiscent Index is a journey from Nyrvana's perspective, that gets into her burden of becoming Memory as well what the effects of said burden give. Including the amount of care she alone has for those close to her and love. It is an Tragedy

SH: What motivated you to write your current book?

D: Honestly. The point of getting my lore shared to an audience that enjoys it and can theorize if need be. It is always fun to see how others have their own side and meaning of what I put out, it's fun for me and fuels me more.

SH: What themes do you want to convey with your book?

D: There is no "good" there is no "evil" everything has a side and an shade of grey in it there is no "Light" or "Dark" just what others believe in. Lore wise it fits Reminiscent Index will show that no side is right or wrong. Just survive.

SH: Do you have a favorite character in your book?

D: Nyrvana Na Ascendia just because of how she evolves in the lore, she is the very thing that is the soul of it, she is Memory and what she sees just become fragments of her experiences and her evolution towards becoming who she is now. No matter the pain and the tragedy she witnessed.

SH: What is your go-to snack/drink when writing?

D: It was raspberry mead for a time, now I either do tea or a nice revolver blood and honey for beer. It helps the creative process flow like a river.

SH: What do you consider the hardest part of writing?

D: That is hard to say. I would say trying to find a audience that enjoys the art of what your or my work represents.

SH: What do you consider the best part of writing?

D: The first person point of view. I want people to feel what the character is feeling, I also want people to see the worlds through the character's eyes. After all you're reading their Journeys no matter how costly they are.

SH: What is a book you think is underrated?

D: The Horus Heresy series. Good Warhammer 40k book if you like grim dark sci-fi.

SH: How many books do you currently have in progress?

D: Reminiscent Index is in progress but I have others like Paradise Invictus in the works with many others.

SH: How do you overcome writer's block?

D: Easy. Roleplay and listening to music with brain storming ideas and different outcomes. Oh and lots of research.

SH: Thank you for your time! Do you have anything else you'd like to say?

D: Everyone in Scribe's Hollow is awesome, keep writing no matter the cost, we all have stories to tell. I support every one of you guys. Y'all are the best. Per Audacia Ad Astra 🌹

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