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Ivory Opia

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Ivory Opia

I am glad that our class stood up to the HM. What he did was wrong. We could petition the school board about what he just did to us but it doesn't matter. No teachers or parents chaperoning means our prom will be a blast.

"Can you believe Kemi!" Eloise said. She is bold. She thought she could use the HM to impose what she wanted on us.

The audacity! During break, the year thirteens shared the news about Kemi and the Prom with other students. Other students were in disbelief that the prom had been canceled because of her. "I am glad she is leaving, we can finally be free," I heard a student say.

Jensen came and sat at the table I was seated on with Eloise. "Can you believe her?" Jensen asked. She thinks because the HM likes her, she can get what she wants!

She will never do that to us again, we've shown her.

Kemi was seated with Liz, Mae and Raven. They were looking unhappy. Andrew was seated with Janine and Siobhan. Tendai was talking to Fajir. I was still feeling ashamed to talk to him.

"Come visit me this weekend," Grayson said. We were both in the library.

I can't Grayson. I want to patch things up with Tendai.

Grayson was disappointed. He left me alone.

Eloise's driver David picked us up after class. Mom and dad had given me permission to sleepover at her home. Convincing them was hard but they caved when I told them that Eloise had hired security to protect us in the night.

Dogs came running to meet us once we entered her house. Addie, these are our dogs; Rex, Wolf, Fur and Sunny.

Nikita was cooking something in the kitchen. "I'm so happy to see you, Miss Addie," Nikita said. I saw the news on T.V about what that nasty woman Sabrina Barre did to your mom.

"I am sorry about that," she apologized.

It's okay, she received the punishment she deserved in the end.

Eloise took me to the room next to hers. The door had been worked on.

"This time, I hope nothing bad happens to you again," she said.

I hope so too, Eloise.

A woman with short blonde hair found us seated on the terrace. "Hi girls," the woman said.

"This has to be Eloise's mother," I thought.

I am Chastity Mckinley, I am Eloise's mother.

Hi, Mrs. Mckinley.

"Call me, Chastity," she said. Mrs. Mckinley is too formal.

I am Adessa Kamara.

Adessa, I have heard about what happened to you the last time you were in our home. I am really sorry, Knightsbridge is a safe neighborhood. What happened was really unfortunate. Feel free, nobody will attack you again.

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