Chapter 17

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~A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body~

Alice's P.O.V

    Alice yawned and opened her eyes. She noticed that she was cuddling with Soul on the couch and blushed a bit. She smiled and carefully slipped out of his arms. He moved a bit but stayed asleep. She tiptoed over to the kitchen. She tried to remember what happened last night. Then she remembered that Soul took a attack for her. And she brought him to Dr. Stein. She had to give him blood. She started to get a terrible headache.
     She looked at a note that was on the counter.
     It read:

      Alice and Soul,
I already went to school and I think Blair went shopping. So the house is for you two. Don't destroy the house or mess it up. If you do clean it. Anyways don't go out of the house. Dr.Stein's orders. There's walffles in the fridge. Also Lord Death wants you both when you can.

   Alice rolls her eyes. She puts the note in her pocket and grabbed the waffles out of the fridge. She heated them up in the microwave. Soul waked up and walked to the kitchen. Alice smirked. She took out the waffles and slid them over to him.
    Sleepily he opened a drawer and pulled out two forks. He handed her one and they both started eating.
    "So. That effect wore off."Soul says cutting a part of the waffle with his fork.
   "What effect?"Alice asks ploping a strawberry in her mouth.
   "Oh. Nothing "he shrugs eating a huge piece of waffle.
   "Oh come on tell me."Alice says shoving him a bit
   "Fine."he rolls his eyes."You were going around giggling and saying weird stuff. By the way.' I took yooouuu here and now your wakey wakey.'"he quotes and laughs really hard.
   "I seriously said that."she starts laughing too.
   "Yeah. And one question. How'd you get my bike up the stairs?"he says smirking at her.
   "Magic."she does jazz hands a bit then laughs.
   "Never again. We had to junp off all the stairs and I quote. 'Again! Again!"Soul laughs again holding his stomach.
    Alice laughs."So glad that wore off."That's soooo embarrassing.
    Soul finishes the waffles and puts them in the sink.
   "Oh yeah. Maka left a note. Something about not destroying the house and Lord Death wanting to see us."she shrugs.
    "Its probably him asking us what happened again."Soul guesses.
    "Maybe but I want to get out of this place."she laughs and goes into her room to change.
    She puts on purple skinny jeans and a black sweater that was a bit bigger then her. She puts on her combat boots and goes out of the room.
    She knocks on Soul's door. "Coming in. Don't be naked."she laughs and opens the door.
   He already had his red skinny jeans on and grabbed his shirt off the bed.
   Alice saw the huge stitch across his chest. Then the one on his shoulder.
   "What?"he asks looking at her. He raised an eyebrow at her.
   "Sorry."she says."For the cut."
   "You would've done the same wouldn't you?"Soul asks putting on his shirt then his yellow jacket.
    She nods."But I froze up and now you have that."
   He smiles to her and pulls her into a hug."It's alright. "
   She started crying into his shoulder hugging him tightly. Soul tightly hugged her back trying to comfort her. She pulls away from the hig and wipes her tears away.
    "We never talk about this."she smiles.
     "Why? Don't want people knowing you cried."Soul teases a bit.
     "Shut up,Soul."she laughs and heads out of the apartment.

*Time Skip*

  "Hey,Hey."Death said when Alice and Soul walked in."Got some news for you."
  "Alright. What is it?"Soul asks putting his hands in his pockets.
   "First off. These are your new classmates."He says.
   Eruka and Free walk in behind them."Hi classmates."Eruka says happily.
  "Eruka? Free? Your both in DWMA now?"Alice says looking at them both.
    "Yeah. If were going to get protection from the DWMA we'll have to join."Free shrugs.
    "And now were here!"Eruka says smiling.
    "Wow."Alice mutters and smiles.
    "A witch and an immortal wolf huh?"Soul shrugs.
    "Two more things. One, Maka and Soul's souls aren't on the same wavelength anymore. But you two have perfectly balanced souls."He says.
     "What?!"Soul bursts out.
     "Are you serious?!"Alice bursts out too
    "Very serious. So both of you will be partners now. Maka already knows and is looking for a new partner.
    "That's my meister!"Soul yells.
    "Yeah! I can't just steal her partner! There has to be a way to match their wavelengths again!"
    "No can do. It's already set. Soul and you are now partners."he says.
    Alice opens her mouth to say something but shuts it. Soul puts his hands back in his pockets and stares at the floor.
    "Now. The other thing is. That both of you need to train. Sid is waiting for you both. Now go."Death says and turns away.
    Eruka and Free walk out with them bit then after they got out of the Death Room they went different directions.
    Alice looked to the ground. I really messed things up now.
    Soul didn't look at Alice at all. He kept staring at a wall or straight ahead of them as they were walking through the forest to find Sid.
    Alice had never met Sid before. So she was a bit surprised when she saw a blue zombie waiting for them. She screamed and hid behind Soul.
   "Soul! It's a kishin egg! Turn into a scythe!"she yelled at him.
   He simple pushed her away."That's Sid."
   "Oh."she says and looks at the ground embarrassed.
    Soul didn't look at her still. Which made Alice feel even worse.
   "Are you both ready?"Sid says. Straight to the point. Huh?
   "Yup."Alice says.
   "Whatever."Soul answers boredly.
    Alice looks at Soul worriedly but he looks away.
    "Alright. We'll start with Alice. Soul transform."Sid instructs.
    Soul narrows his eyes a bit but transforms. Alice takes the handle to the scythe and twirls it over her head then slams the bottom of the scythe to the ground next to her. Then steadying it there.
    "Alright. Now try to soul resonance. From what I heard you both skipped right past Witch Hunter and straight to Genie Hunter. So try a Witch Hunter strike."Sid instructs.
    Alice nods. She could feel what Soul was feeling since their wavelengths were the same. It was a mix of sadness and anger. She felt bad for him.
    "Soul Resonance!!!"Alice says with Soul. Their souls connect with a spark then a flash.
    "Witch-"Alice stops looking at the blade. It was a rainbow blade that looked like glass. She stopped."Genie Hunter?"
    "Hmm...very interesting. Seems that you are unable to do the Witch Hunter but are able to do the Genie Hunter which is actually better."Sid says thoughtfully.
    The blade breaks into pieces so it's back to Soul's regular black and red blade.
    "Alice, Soul switch."Sid instructs again and Alice nods. They both transform at the same time. So when Alice was her black and gray scythe. Soul was able to catch the handle and spin her around.
     "Alright try Soul Resonance again. Remember Witch Hunter."Sid says.
      Soul nods."Soul Resonance!"
      Soul spins the scythe and holds it out in front of him. "Witch Hunter!"
       The blade turns into a bigger black blade that has a black haze coming off of it."It's Genie Hunter again."
        Alice's blade goes back to normal and she groans. She turns back to human and crosses her arms."How is it possible for us not to be able to Witch Hunter. I mean Genie Hunter is more powerful then that attack so how can we not do it?"
        "Hmm...."Sid thinks for a moment."It would be possible that both of you are high in power so you are unable to do weak attacks."
         "That makes no sense!"Alice snaps. She opens her mouth to say more but Soul puts a hand on her shoulder making her stop.
          "It's not important. At lesst we know were too cool for weak attacks."he smirks a bit and walks away.
           Alice narrows her eyes at Sid then follows Soul. Had he already forgiven me?
           Alice looks at Soul."Look. I'm sorry that you had to trade partners. I wasn't expecting for that to happen. I thought-"
           Soul kisses her quickly then looks at the ground his hair covering his eyes."You talk to much when you worry."
           Alice stands there frozen a bit bit then smiles."At least I don't burn the food."
           "Shut up Alice."he says smiling and they start to walk back home.

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