Chapter 2: A New Life

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There once was a person living upon the hilltops. They knew they were different from the people who lived down near the shore, where the land met the sea. They always felt different. Even with the loneliness that plagued them, they never dared to set foot out of the house that threatened to swallow up their nerve to live. They were afraid to get hurt, that the outside world was much more painful than slowly losing their grip on their own sanity.

As they thought nothing could get better, that they were doomed to this forevermore, a visitor came along. A cat, sitting in the doorway to this old and rickety home, bowed its head to the person in front of it. "I'm sorry to intrude, but I've been observing you for quite some time." The cat apologized as it stated its reasons for being there. "You're a strange being, and I hoped you'd allow me to stay with you to continue to learn more about you."

The person was more than happy to let this creature accompany them at their side. So, as the cat walked over and cuddled up along the person's side, pets given, the person thought; "Would other creatures not think of their difference to be significant? Could they find friendship in other animals?" Their thoughts ran wild, and it wasn't too long before he spoke on the idea to the cat. The cat nodded in agreement, understanding the worth this could bring to this person and itself.

With that, invitations were made and sent out, they read, "Come to the hilltops, join in on a welcoming feast and see god." It wasn't long before the banquet's date came along and 12 animals appeared. The rat, then the ox... and so on and so forth. The moon gleefully watched over these banquets from then on, happily lighting up the sky for those to enjoy, to show off the stars that were hidden throughout the day's sunlit atmosphere. The god, for the first time, knew what it was to have fun, to dance and sing with those around you. The high spirits were like miracles that were once hidden under the sand.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and it was shown one night during their usual banquets. The cat collapsed, its natural lifespan dying out as the others watched in worry. They cried as they realized it wasn't just the cat, but everyone was aging with the days as they flew by.

The god cradled the cat in their arms as they sought out a solution, wishing for these nights to last for the rest of time. Swirling their fingers around the rim of a sake cup, they chanted, "Moon, oh powerful moon, please grant our wish." The god started before bringing the cup up to the cat for it to take a sip. As the cat did so, trusting the god, a blue light appeared from the top of the ceiling above, glowing a luminescent color as it floated all the way down. This orb floated there as the god set down the cup of sake for the other animals, but first, the god continued, "Eternity, make this banquet last even after death. We shall be reborn time and time again to continue these banquets as they are and will always be. Allow us to continue making wonderful memories with one another for the rest of time."

The others took their sips from the sake cup, the rat first, then the ox, followed by the tiger and the rest in order. Yet, the cat wept, sorrow flowing from its eyes as it snuck out of the god's arms. "Oh god, why god?" The cat sat in front of the creator of these soft nights. "Why did you make me drink from that cup? We, as mortals, must die. Everything must come to an end, god." The god was surprised to hear these words come from a dear friend, and so were the rest of the animals. They all thought of it as betrayal within that moment, not caring for what else the cat had to say. "These banquets were fun, beyond enjoyable, and I too wish for it to continue... but I do not need nor want an everlasting life. These values we hold and share for each other, they're a once in a lifetime, but not everything should continue on. There's a chance this all could be ruined, that we could mess up the joy, that we could mistake happiness for misery."

With one final flick of the cat's tail, it finally fell over and passed, but the words the god spoke were still lingering with the moon. "Are you sure you really want this? To keep this infinitely? I cannot reverse such things so easily, once it's said and done, there's hardly a chance of going back."

Shifting Souls | {REWRITE} Momiji Sohma x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now