She has no idea what she wants to get herself into.
She has to wait until things fall back into places, until everything is settled, I don't want distractions, not from anyone.

I have some responsibilities, I can't risk them due to her.

"End it then, with your obsession to me walking away"
"I won't"

"Stay then, I will leave"
I said and walked away, I walked away knowing very well, I am going to destroy both of us now.

She has no way out now, if she doesn't mean what she said, I will force her, drag her and make her mean it.

My thoughts came to halt when Ava hit my shoulder and I smiled at her.

Smile, it takes nothing to smile, but people around you take that as a good gesture and be happy. Something that I have seen so much, something that hides fuckery, destruction.

"Oh please, Remi is the cheerful one here, unlike you fuckers, Look at him"
"Yeah he is so full of life"
I heard Ava and Cesy say, even I wish I was like that, cheerful, full of life, I mean yeah it might be for them but not for myself.

I ignore their chatter, Ava is saying something and Cesy is trying to stop her, I am not concentrating on their words, but I will probably tease them for it later.

"Looking for someone?"
I heard dad ask and I involuntary nod my head to him.
"Who? Ariella?"
"Yes, I want to surprise her dad"
He smiled knowing very well what I meant.

"There is someone you need to meet"
He said and I leave the girls here going with dad, from the corner of my eye I see a sulking Annie with a robot Vaughn, he doesn't even speak with her. And she hates him completely.

Why is she still not here? Everyone are so proud of Ariella, but she doesn't even know why, if someone else was at her place they would have grabbed the opportunity and start to build their career, as much as I know Ariella she is going to reject all the opportunities she will get, god knows why

"So you are the next in command"
Someone with grey hair said and I nod my head at him with a smile, events are boring, but someone else here can make it interesting and I am waiting for that someone, since I have a surprise for her and with a little twist, and I have opened the lock of the room, those fuckers need to understand that locking her up is not the best solution, if they want to punish her then they have to do the things she doesn't like, like forcing her to get out of the room.

"By the way your son looks just like you"
Cause I am, I smile at his comment and said

"You still look fit and young"
I don't know his name so it is better if I end the sentence just like that, doesn't matter though.

He laughed and shook his hand with me before leaving.
All the eyes suddenly turned to a direction and I notice Ariella coming in, fun time begins, being around Ariella is much more relaxing, fun and comforting than parties.
I agree parties has been my escape and shagging was my way to let the demons in me sleep letting me sleep too, but everything is ordinary now, not as interesting as she is.

She said she loves me, but then denied, I am tempted to make her fall for me just to see what lengths she will go too. I think Ariella has no limits. When I have mastered my emotions so well, she just keeps on doing something that gets them out.

"Be right back dad"
I said going to her, is she at event or practice? She is looking adorable by the way, her hair have grown, now nothing stops me from staring at her face, her bare face.

"I heard you"
She said making me smile a little, Ariella has always been like this, but I want her to know that I will, no matter what keep her with me, why would she even say that she loves me... fucking hell, my breath hitched the moment she said she loves me, Ariella has definitely gone crazy, but I am starting to love her craziness, I am afraid me walking away from her has only brought chaos to my mind. She shouldn't have said she doesn't love me, after claiming that she loves me, she said it was a lie.

God of Desire: RemiXAriella Where stories live. Discover now