Chapter 1

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Sebastian Grey lingered in the shadowed doorway of the library at Hawthorne Hall, his observant eyes fixed on the scene before him. Alexander, his eldest son, leaned against the mahogany-paneled wall, whispering low and intimately into the ear of one of the housemaids. Her cheeks were flushed with a rosy hue, and her curly brown hair tumbled over her shoulders as Alexander's hand tenderly grazed her cheek, twirling a curl around his finger.


"Ahem," Sebastian cleared his throat pointedly.


Startled, Alexander straightened. "Oh—Father. I didn't see you there," he stammered, his composure slipping for a moment. The maid's expression shifted from infatuation to disappointment, a shadow crossing her features as the intimate bubble burst.


Sebastian watched her retreat, a flicker of sympathy crossing his stern features. Poor girl doesn't know how lucky she is that I caught them before she got too involved, he thought. Alexander's reputation as a charming yet fleeting lover was no secret within the stately walls of Hawthorne Hall. He had woven brief, passionate liaisons with many of the young female staff, each ending as swiftly as it began.


And invariably, the aftermath was always the same. Heartbroken and seeking solace, these young women often found themselves knocking on Sebastian's study door, tears streaming down their faces. The pattern was all too familiar, and as the lord of Hawthorne Hall, it fell upon Sebastian to console and mend the spirits shattered by his son's careless affections.


Sebastian motioned for Alexander to take a seat. "Why must you do this every time?" he sighed.


"Father, I don't know to what you refer," Alexander looked down at his hands. "Corrine and I were just getting to know each other."


Sebastian let out a huff. "Fine, have it your way. But there are more pressing matters to discuss—mainly, your entrance into Athanor Academy."


Alexander exhaled deeply. "Father, not again. I don't want to go there. I refuse to grow old in a library as an Archivist."


Sebastian replied irritably, "Alexander—this is not up for debate. The Greys have been Archivists for generations. This is your legacy and your future. You cannot avoid this any longer."




"This is your duty, Alexander. It's time that you stepped into your role in the world. The term starts next week. You will pack your things today and leave tomorrow."


"Father—this isn't fair!"


"No more discussion."


Sebastian turned away from Alexander, his departure a clear dismissal from the library. The echoes of their fraught conversation hung heavily in the air, mingling with the scent of old books and the weight of unyielding expectations.

The Archivistजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें