Selin sat back, "Oh, my apologies, that was you? I thought that you were some teenage babysitters. The store has had so many problems with children ruining the product. I hope you understand that I meant no harm."

Eda waded into the fray, "We didn't know that you worked for the store. Your name badge must have fallen off," Defne was trying not to laugh and Serkan managed to pull her closer.

"I don't work for the store, you misunderstood me. . . . . . . "

Serkan kissed Eda's temple before saying, "Eda is well aware that you don't work for the store Selin. I believe that she was subtly telling you that she was with the children at all times and had no need of your interference. . . . . Eda, this is Selin, my brother's fiancée. I guess former fiancée since he has passed away. If you don't mind Selin, I see the waiter coming with our food?"

The woman looked like she wanted to linger when Ebru did something she had never done before, she sneezed in Selin's direction, not bothering to cover her mouth. Taken aback at the rude behavior of the child sitting next to her, everyone murmured 'Bless you' to the little girl. Selin pushed back her chair, "I'll see you in the office tomorrow Serkan." Selin left without acknowledging anyone else.

Putting her out of their mind, the group proceeded to enjoy their meal. After dinner they headed to the arcade for a while, with a small bucket of tokens Emir and Defne took the two little ones off to play some games. Eda turned to Serkan, "You slept with her, didn't you?"

She could see the red creeping up his collar, "Yes and no, I was drunk, she came on to me at a party, we started but I couldn't continue. I knew it was wrong even as drunk as I was," she knew that there was more, "She's been trying to get me to have an affair with her. Though I guess it isn't an affair since Alp is gone. I've known her for years, never have I ever wanted to be with her."

Eda could tell that the episode had upset him, angered him, "Thank you for telling me. That was your past, let it stay there," she was trying not to be jealous and maybe a little nauseous at the thought of Serkan's other partners.

Serkan looked at Eda, "Is this going to be a problem with us? I've admitted I was wrong and living a lifestyle that wasn't me. . . . . . We might run into other women," she covered his mouth with her fingertips.

"I don't want to go there. You are putting visuals in my head isn't good for either of us. I asked because she is very possessive of you. More than someone who is a coworker has a right to be," Serkan took her hand from his mouth to kiss her fingertips.

"You asked that I be honest with you Eda and I am being honest," he was pleading with her to still give them a chance.

Eda steered Serkan backwards into a little alcove and kissed him, "You are being honest and I appreciate it. I might not like your past but that's what it is, the past. I choose to move forward with you."

Serkan groaned, and pulled Eda closer, "Alone time that is actual alone time is what you and I need. An actual date where we're alone."

"Not until next weekend Serkan, I have several cases that need my focus and you destroy my focus."

"Are you telling me I can't see you during the week?"

"We'll figure something out. I want to be able to see you too."

During the week Eda and Serkan were only able to fit in a couple of lunches, they were aiming for a date night on the weekend when Serkan was called out of town. "Eda, could our luck get worse?"

"It's fine Serkan, I'm not going anywhere. Ayfer and I will both stay at the house while you're gone. I think it will be easier."

"Why do you do this to me Eda?"

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