Part 1

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Note; this chapter may feel a bit rushed, that's just bc I wanna get to the actual Bridgerton part lol

Y/N Pov

I looked at myself in the mirror, adding the final touches to my make up. My favorite youtuber is playing off of my laptop that's balanced on the edge of the counter. I am going out  with my group of friends in about 10 minutes to celebrate on of their birthdays so I want to look good. I am wearing a pair of baggy jeans and a cute off the shoulder top. I step back to admire myself and the work I put into for my make up. 

"Almost perfect just onnne more thing" I smiled and reached behind my computer to grab my mascara when I pulled my hand back towards myself I knocked the computer off of the counter and fell onto the floor closing itself on its way down and skidding across the floor into the puddle that was left behind after my shower.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCCCCKKKK!!" I closed my eyes taking deep breaths. 

 I cannot deal with this right now, I thought to myself as I picked it up and dried it off with a towel. I am just going to not look at it, if I don't see the damage then there is no damage. There is no way I am going to let this ruin my night, I will have fun and I will not think about the potential damage and potential costs to repair said damage. 

I walked back into my room and placed the computer on my bed, out of sight out of mind. Then I grabbed my ankle boots and put them on, time for some good food and better company.


*at the restaurant*

"So are any of you guys watching a good show at the moment? I just finished re-watching Criminal Minds for the hundredth time and kinda want to try something new." I said looking around the table with 5 of my friends.

"Ooo finally branching out?" Alice joked, commenting on my obsession with that show.

"Hey! its my comfort show leave me alone" I replied feigning offence.

"Only you would find a show about murderers comforting, Y/N" Matt chimed in.

"Its about the FBI agents actually, get your facts right jeez" I defended.

"I've actually just started watching a show called Bridgerton on Netflix and it's actually pretty good. It's set in like the Regency era in London and its a romance show, its kind of hard to explain but you would defiantly like it" Jade explained.

"Oh yeah, I actually think I saw my flatmate watching that a few times so I know a little bit of the plot. It actually did sound kind of good and now that it had your glowing review maybe I will give it a watch. I am a fan of Pride and Prejudice so this sounds right up my alley" I said, making a mental note of the show.


*At home*

I walked back into my apartment and chucked my keys in the key bowl that resides by the front desk. The party was loads of fun, although I think I may have spent too much of my time chatting away with my friends instead of eating as I seem to be a little snacky... 

I removed my jacket and hung that on one of the hooks in my entry way then made a beeline to the kitchen to grab some ice-cream, one of my absolute favorite things. After putting a couple scoops of ice-cream into my bowl I went into my bedroom taking the bowl with me. When I walked in I spotted my laptop where I had left it and let out a long sigh. I guess now is as good a time as any to check if it still works, I thought as a grabbed for it and sat on the edge of my bed, placing the ice-cream on my bedside table. I opened it up only to see a black screen and a thin crack going from the top left corner to the bottom right. 

"Ok.Ok. Ok. I'm sure it's just flat that's why it's not turning on" I muttered to myself as I held down the power button.  God I hope that's true, I have such an attachment to this silly little computer. I grabbed for the charger that was on the floor and plugged it in, when I did so there was a little spark and a zapping noise. Well, that can't be good. "please god, please please please turn on"

Then it turned on!! Yes omg maybe I will believe in god after this... probably not. I wiggled the mouse around and it seemed to all be working fine apart from the little crack and the spark... I'm sure its fine.

Now I just need decide what to watch while I eat this ice-cream, oooh I know I'll watch that show that Jade suggested. What was it called... Bridgey..Bridger ugh I know its Bridge something. I think she said that it was on Netflix I'm sure that it will come up. 

I booted up Netflix and searched 'bridge'. Oh here it is 'Bridgerton'.  I pressed play and sat at my desk with my ice-cream, when suddenly I started feeling this weird pull to my computer. It felt like my soul and my computer were magnets and I couldn't pull away. I looked down at my hand and saw that it looked as though it was just a blur leading to the computer.

"OMG WHAT THE FUCK!? Have I been drugged??!! What is going on??" I then felt an stronger pull and suddenly I felt weightless and all I saw was a super bright light.

Then I hit the ground roughly. "Oof that hurt" I said winded, lying stomach down on the ground.

"Where did she just come from?!" I heard a women say.

"Did all of you see as I did? How she just appeared?" Another, younger sounding women said, which was followed by a chorus of murmurs seeming to be as shocked as the first two women.

"Miss who are you and how did you get here?" A strong male voice asked

Lost in time ~Anthony Bridgerton x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum