Part 4

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I was curled up in bed and had just started to wake up when I heard knock on the door.

"Come in" I called out, my voice a little croaky as it was the first thing I had said this morning. One of the maids from last night entered my room. "Miss breakfast is served, may I help you dress?"

"Yes please. I am sorry I did not get your name last night?"  I said as I got out of bed and moved towards her.

"It is Rose" she said as she started getting me dressed.

"Gosh, Miss Daphne's dresses are truly beautiful" I said admiring the purple dress I was wearing.

"Indeed Miss" Rose responded as she worked on my hair doing a similar style to what I she had done yesterday. 

After she was finished she led me to the dining room where all of the Bridgerton's were seated.

"Good morning everyone" I said as I walked over to the only empty seat, which was next to Anthony who was at the head of the table.

"Ah Miss L/N how did you sleep" Violet said from across from me.

"Really well thank you" I said as a server started brining plates of food around the table allowing us to pick what and how much we wanted.

"Sorry that I have waited this long to ask but in the commotion of yesterday I forgot to ask for all of your names" I said as i looked down the table at all of the Bridgertons.

Anthony cleared his throat and then began the introductions.

"I am Anthony the eldest, and you have been introduced to my mother Violet and Daphne. Next to Violet is the second born Benedict, then there is Colin, Eloise followed by Francesca. Then the little ones Gregory, and Hyacinth." I repeated the names again in my head, then I realized something.

"Wait, are you guys named in alphabetical order? That is adorable! I love it" I said smiling at Violet.

"Yes my late husband found it orderly, and I too am quite fond of it" Violet said with a sad smile when she brought up her husband.

"I didn't mean to upset you with brining him up" I said feeling bad for upsetting her.

"Do not worry, I am alright"

"Why don't you tell us about your family?" Anthony said, changing the topic.

"Oh um, well I have 4 sisters I'm the eldest and the youngest is 10 but we are all very close. They mean everything to me" I said trailing off at the end. Talking about my family made me realize that if I remain stuck here I might never see them again. I took a sip of water to try and hide how upset I was feeling. I felt a foot gently nudge mine snapping me out of my thoughts, I looked at Anthony as it only made sense that it would be his foot that touched me but when I looked at him, he was looking straight ahead.

"Only girls?!" Eloise said.

"haha yes it was quite chaotic growing up, but we always wanted a brother" I replied

Hyacinth then turned to me and asked "Miss Y/N, what is your favorite colour?"

I smiled at her and said "I have always love F/C. What about you?"

"I like all the colours but my favorite is pink!" Hyacinth replied.

"When we go to the modiste we must ensure Miss Delacroix makes you something in F/C. How does that sound?" Violet asked.

"I think that sounds good? Its just... um... well I don't know what a modiste is?" I asked feeling slightly embarrassed, the Bridgerton's all let out a little laugh.

"A modiste is someone who makes dresses" Violet gently explained.

"Oh! Ok yes that makes sense." I laughed off my embarrassment.

We finished up breakfast, the Bridgerton's mostly talked amoungst themselves apart from a little bit of small talk on my part. Then Violet, Daphne, Eloise and I left the house to go to the modiste. We all climbed into the carriage yes that's right a full on fucking carriage.

"Holy shit this is amazing!" I said when I climbed in. "I've never been inside a carrige before!".

Eloise laughed "Oh I like her"

"Eloise never repeat such words, do you understand. Miss Y/N that is not approprite language" Violet scolded.

"Yes Mama" Eloise said sounding degected.

"Sorry, I forgot where I was for a seccond. That kind of laguage is very common where I am from" I appoligised.

"I think the future would suit me" Eloise said.

"Do you not have carriges in the future? How do you get arround? Surely you do not walk everywhere?" Daphne asked

"Um, how do I describe this... We have things called cars which is like a carridge but without the horses." I tried to explain.

"But without horses how does this 'car' move" Eloise asked.

"With something called an engine?? I won't lie I do not know a lot about cars, I just drive it and ask no questions  haha..." I replied, gosh I wish I bothered to learn how things worked so I could explain it better.

"So you are a coach-women?" Eloise asked

"What? No people just drive their own cars in the future" I explained

"Here we are" Violet said, as the carrage stopped infront of some shops.

We all went inside, there was material and dresses all around each one so beautiful.

"Lovely to see you again Lady Bridgerton, Miss Daphne, Miss Eloise. I am afraid we have yet to be indroduced I am Genevieve Delacroix  Miss..." Genevieve said.

"Y/N L/N " I replied

"She is a friend of the family, here to be introduced into London society and as such she requires a full wordrobe" Violet said

"Of course Lady Bridgerton" Genevieve replied.

She then proceeded to take my measurments as Violet pulled out different fabrics that she though would look good on me. I also notice that she was pulling out lots of fabrics that were F/C, It warmed my heart to know that she payed attention to me. I really got lucky that fate brought me to the Bridgerton's of all people.

Just as I thought that the door opened and four other women entered the shop.

"Oh the Featherington's  lovely to see you" Violet said. I turned towards them, wait I recgnise one of them, the shortest one with red hair. I remember my flat-mate freaking out when she descovered that she was the one who was writing all the gossip in secret. She wouldn't stop talking about it all week. Omg I am not supposed to know that, and I am proberbly the only person to actually know that. It's fine, everything is fine. I just need to make sure to stay on her good side.

"Lady Bridgerton, and who is this? I have not seen this young lady around the ton" the older Featherington said.

"This is Miss Y/N L/N, she is the daughter of an old family friend. You have yet to see her as she only arrived last night" Violet explained

"Is it not odd that she arrived last night Lady Bridgerton, when the first ball of the season was merly two nights ago?" the older Featherington in a friendly tone but I could tell what she was saying was anything but.

Violet seemed at a loss for an explanation, so I chimed in trying hard to use words thats they would.

"The intention was for me to arrive before the first ball so that I may be presented to society for my first season, however on my travels my carraige ran into some troubles which delayed my arrival" I think i actually nailed that... Violet sent me a relived smile.

"We shall take our leave now" Violet said and ushered us out of the store.

Lost in time ~Anthony Bridgerton x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora