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I woke up from my sleep and held my head as it was paining a lot but suddenly my eyes glanced the room making me shocked

YN: WHERE THE HELL I AM (said while panicking) did he caught me.
NOO .....NOO I have to find a way to escape from here

I observed room so I can find a escape but there is no way except the window and I immediately dashed towards it in hope it will open and I will move from here.

I got up from the bed and moved towards the window My bad the window is locked. Still standing there I was wondering what to do now but door unlocked sound made me come out from my imagination.

TAEHYUNG: planning to escape (said with a sly smile on his face) don't worry I made sure that you won't get any escape from me

YN: WHAT THE HELL TAEHYUNG (she said in anger) have you gone mad or what you fucking kidnapped me and now keeping me here against my will

See I'm telling you again that I DON'T LOVE YOU can't you get this single thing inside your head.

After listening to her words he started moving towards her closing every distance between them

YN: st...stay away no ne..need to come closer I am not deaf that I won't get you from there

He ignored her words and kept moving towards her direction intensely looking at her

After seeing him not stopping and coming towards my direction i started moving back from my place making my back to hit with the glass behind me

He came and put his one hand on the glass caging me between him and the glass. There was an inch of distance left between us to make our body collide with each other

Seeing him this closer to me my breathing become uneven making my body shake under his gaze.

He didn't stop with this now he started leaning towards my face as a reflex making my body turn towards the left side now my side body is facing him.

He started coming closer to my neck instantly making me regret my decision.

His hot breath touched my skin making me shiver and hold my breath back. he connected his nose with my neck and started travelling to my ear.

He stopped at my ear and started biting my earlobe making me hiss in pain.

Then he whispered something against my ear making shiver run through my spine

TAEHYUNG: don't you dare to raise your voice in front of me or i won't hesitate to make you scream my name whole night (said with a smirk on his face against my skin)

After knowing his real intentions i panicked and immediately pushed him with a force making him to stumble backwards

He glared at me with his dark orbs making my heart sank inside my stomach

TAEHYUNG: I think I spoiled you too much now I need to put some senses in your brain (said while looking at her intensely)

YN: i.....I am so..... Sorry I didn't me...mean to d..o that (said while stuttering a little)

He moved towards her and moved his hand towards her face making her close her eyes in terror.

He tucked her hair behind her ears and said

TAEHYUNG: You are lucky that I love you so much not to hurt you princess, or you might have dead by now for disrespecting me and disobeying me.

Now leave all this and come with me let's have lunch together you might be hungry (said while smiling)

LOVE OR OBSSESION  || KIM TAEHYUNG OBSESSIONWhere stories live. Discover now