Chapter 14 - Overboard

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i've FINALLY got a chapter out after awhile 😭🙏🏻  this one is gonna be lowkey choppy until i can come back later on to fix it up. i kinda just wanted to get something out there for now since i've been hella stressed w finals and ap tests, but here yall go 🫡

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That entire sentence came out entirely wrong, and not how Jude wanted it to sound. He worded it horribly, and Vienna barely managed to even react to what he'd just said.

Vienna started at him with a deadpanned look, "I mean, I sort of saw this coming, but you definitely could've articulated it better."

Jude slid his hands into the side pockets of his jeans to keep him from fidgeting with his hands. "Yeah.. I know, that did come out entirely wrong—I'm sorry, Vie," Jude frowned slightly and looked down at the table for a moment before talking again.

"It's just... things have been rocky between us lately and not in a way that we can really control. I mean—we can control it, but I think we've just gotten to a point where our relationship feels more like we're friends than an actual couple,"

Vienna listened to him very carefully, watching his every move, expression, and body language. She fixated her attention on his words, trying to process his explanation and justify their breakup.

"I know we have that strong physical part of our relationship but if I'm being honest with you, I just don't feel like we have a strong emotional connection.. at least not like before,"

Vienna's chest tightened as she heard Jude's words and her heart began to race. The air around them grew heavy with tension as they both fell silent, each lost in their own thoughts. Every passing moment felt longer and more unbearable, as they both struggled to process what had just been revealed.

"Is this about (Y/N)?" Vienna finally spit out.

Jude's eyes darted up at her, furrowing his eyebrows. The sudden mention of (Y/N) caught his attention. He understood why she thought that, and even though Jude didn't want to admit it, (Y/N) was a factor in this. Even if it was in the tiniest way. She was.

Jude's eyes shifted down towards the surface of the table, reluctant to reply to what Vienna had asked.

Suddenly, the waitress walked back over to the table, "Are you two ready to order?"

Vienna looked over at the waitress, slightly frustrated by all of these distractions that were keeping her away from this conversation with Jude. "Not yet," she replied in a firm tone. The waitress noticed that something was going on between the two and decided to rush off, not wanting to bother them.

"It is, isn't it?" Vienna asked again.

Jude shook his head slightly, "No—it's not about (Y/N), and you know that."

"But she's influenced this decision?"

Jude shook his head again, still unsure of how to reply to her.

"As much as I agree with your explanation as to why you want to break up with me, I strongly feel like (Y/N) influenced at least some of this decision. And don't even try to lie, Jude. Because you know damn well—"

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