01: Love you Princess

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Waking up to the smell of bacon, Leslie says a small prayer and especially thanks Gator. Sliding out of bed, the young woman could only be woken by the smell of food on some days.

Leslie was so close to finishing medical school, and her dad was her number one supporter. Strolling into the kitchen, she takes a seat beside her father after kissing his cheek. "Morning Daddy, Morning Pappa" Getting a response, she once again thanks Gator for breakfast before digging in.

Leslie is a very bright, beautiful, and happy young woman. Hell, she's lived on a ranch her whole life. Not knowing who her mother was, caused a small sting to her, but she quickly got over it.

Having Lee Dutton as a father was funny. He was very young when she was born, 16 to be exact, but he was never too strict on the young girl. He raised her as his daughter and not a sibling, something that's paid off in the last few years.

When John Dutton found out that Lee had gotten a young girl pregnant, he immediately took the woman in. He knew his oldest son would do the right thing, and he would support him no matter what.

The only surprise to John was when he found out the mother of his granddaughter was black. He couldn't believe Lee could get any pretty girl, especially someone outside of his race.

Up until baby Dutton was born, Lee was on strict work duties. He worked, went to school, and attended doctor's appointments with Leslie's mother. Beth, his only sister, also attended for support.

After the departure of Leslie's mother, Beth felt a closing in her dark and broken heart. Taking care of her niece took away most of the pain her older brother Jamie caused.

From the moment John laid his eyes on Leslie, he was smitten. The house became a baby play center, and the father of 4 spoiled her rotten.

Leslie spent an equal time between John and Lloyd. Since she was small she called Lloyd, "Grandpa Lloyd" and John "pappa" Both men took their names with pride, becoming putty to the young girl and giving in to whatever she wanted.

When Rip first met Leslie, she was tiny. He was scared he would crush her, but he never did. After getting the hang of holding and taking care of Leslie, Rip would bring her to the barn house or even walk around with her outside. He became another uncle

"Are you riding today princess? Or do you have homework first?" Leslie was an honor roll student, Lee had her on a strict schedule since grade school that she still respected and used. "Studying Grandpa, I only get to ride on breaks and summers. Dad's orders" Looking to his oldest son, John was glad to see something go right between the three of them.

"I can still hang around on my breaks though, right dad?" Finishing up and kissing his daughter's cheek, "Of course baby" It was very rare that the men, or anyone for that matter told Leslie no. Not even Beth Dutton told the young woman no

Finishing up, Leslie takes her laptop and gets settled on the porch to start her last few assignments. Waving to Lloyd, Leslie glances at Colby and Ryan. While she wouldn't even admit her long-term crush to the livestock agent to even Beth, she did talk to Gator about it occasionally.

The cook would listen to anything the young girl wanted to talk about, he was practically another family member to her. As the men get their jobs for the day and head off, Leslie sees someone heading her way. "Bethie!" Placing down her laptop, the young girl practically jumps into the arms of Beth Dutton.

Beth, who automatically puts her arms out, can't help but let out a chuckle, "You're still my big baby, Hi Princess" It had been a few months since the youngest Dutton woman had seen her only aunt. FaceTiming and calling weren't doing any justice.

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