Part 11

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The Wii has been in Kyle's closet for years. Eteled has mastered every sport known to man, and you've memorized the entire code of the Wii system. You could recite the code of every menu on the Wii, the Mii Channel, Wii Sports... if only Kyle had installed more games and channels for you to read the code for. Eteled can't lose a game of Wii Sports if he tried. It's literally impossible. He has a Wii Sports age of 20 years old every time. In his sleep, sometimes he'll twitch like he's still holding an item from Wii sports, or hold up his fists like he's boxing Matt for the millionth time. You don't know if anyone's ever been this bored before. 

You and Eteled talk every day. Sometimes you'll play Wii sports together, but the amount you played with him decreased as his skill increased. It just wasn't fun anymore. The outcome was always the same. Eteled wins, perfect score. You lose, with nothing. 

You just wish that maybe, just maybe, Kyle's house would burn down just so the Wii would be destroyed and you would be freed from your eternal prison that is the Wii. Or, even better, Kyle sells the Wii and the new owner gets some new games on it. 

"Eteled, how much longer do you think we'll be here?" You ask.

"I think we'll be here forever. At least until this house is sold, or burns down, or something happens to it. I mean, Kyle's probably forgotten it's here." Eteled's tone softens, and his voice slows down. "Or at least he wants to, if he hasn't." 

"Do you... regret it?" You ask.

Eteled sighs. "Yeah."

"Well, at least you feel remorse for your actions this time." You say.

"I regretted killing you, too." Eteled says. "I originally only regretted it because I had to deal with you here, but now... after this whole experience..."

You feel the Wii get picked up and start moving. 

"ETELED!" You yell. 

"I'm right here." Eteled says.

"Do you feel that?" You ask.

Eteled goes silent.

"I think the Wii is moving." You say.

"My gosh. Finally." Eteled sighs with relief. "I don't even care where we're going. The landfill, the thrift store...  at least it's finally over."

"I have no idea where we're going, but if it's literally the fires of the underworld, I think we have experience dealing with hell." You say. "I mean, it really can't be worse than this has been."

"At least we had each other." Eteled says.

You sit, in shock. Eteled puts out his hand.

"Not in a romantic way." Eteled says. "But I don't want you to be scared."

You reach out your hand to grab his, shaking in a mixture of excitement, fear, and anxiety.

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