Chapter 2 (2.4(b) The Deal)

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"Uh..." Wallace interrupted her just as the quill in her hand was about to mark the first word.

Caren stared at Wallace, her expression puzzled, indicating her eagerness to hear his thoughts. They found themselves at a critical juncture, forced to make significant decisions, where the risk of making a wrong choice loomed large. Caren was wary of hastily making decisions that could lead to dire consequences, given the tumultuous history between Angelwing and Crissaven Sanatorium.

"Perhaps we shouldn't divulge too much about our situation here—just stick to the key points: the formulation, the deal, and the time constraints we're facing," Wallace suggested slowly, almost as an afterthought. "And thank you for handling this." He gestured towards the quill and paper.

Caren shrugged lightly.

In just fifteen minutes, she completed the letter addressed to the dean. She explained how they encountered one of the chief chemists without revealing her name, detailed the committee's discussion and proposed deal from Angelwing, highlighted their time constraints preventing them from seeking approval, and concluded by requesting an update on the two patients' conditions.

Wallace scrutinised every word as she wrote, noting the absence of emotions—no desperation or dissatisfaction in the letter's tone. After Caren signed her name, she showed it to Wallace for a closer look. Their concern lingered on the possibility of the Angelwing messenger intercepting and reading the letter before it reached its intended recipient. They feared that any inappropriate language might provoke Madam Monette, leading to the deal's cancellation and potential escalation of tensions between the two prestigious institutions.

A gentle knock on the door caught them off guard. Wallace scanned the room, checking for any peephole or hidden entrance—her timing to knock after they finished their letter seemed uncanny.

Madam Monette briefly glanced at the written letter, displaying no apparent interest. Swiftly, she moved to her padded chair, opened the drawer, and retrieved an envelope bearing the Angelwing symbol—a depiction of an angel with folded wings and the letters 'A' and 'W' intertwined across it, signifying the institution.

Wallace managed to steal a glance at the now-empty drawer before she closed it shut. It was clear that all of this had been orchestrated in advance. She had prepared the paper, quill, and envelope before their arrival, knowing they had little choice but to comply.

"Place it in this envelope and seal it as you see fit," Madam Monette said casually.

Sealing the envelope seemed redundant to Wallace as he folded the letter in half and handed it over.

"Very well." She took the letter and exited the room, returning in a matter of seconds.

Madam Monette retrieved her pocket watch from her cloak and raised an eyebrow. "It's only seven o'clock. You have half a day to await your dean's response."

The situation left them feeling like cats on a hot tin roof, knowing they could do nothing but wait for the reply.

Madam Monette shrugged at their silence. "You're welcome to use our resting area if you'd like," she said before swiftly leaving the room.

Finally rising to his feet, Wallace released a sigh, feeling somewhat relieved with Madam Monette's departure.

Caren remained visibly distressed, tightly holding herself together.

The prolonged silence was interrupted by a tentative knock on the door. It opened to reveal a timid-looking elf cautiously peering in, clearly sent by Madam Monette. He stammered nervously, "Madam Monette asked me to check on you after ten minutes, to see if you'd like to visit the resting area?" He remained standing at the door, awaiting their response.

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