Chapter 1 (1.3 The Tale of Odi)

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There were several exits within the sanatorium, all situated on the first floor. As they ascended from the basement, an unusual silence enveloped the group. Typically, whenever they gathered for a meal, conversations flowed incessantly, especially with Scott's lively presence.

For Wallace, consumed by the urgent task of saving lives and tending to injuries, thoughts of the massacre in the emergency hall had been pushed aside. The chaotic and distressing scenes were now distant, allowing his mind to clear.

The unanswered questions lingered: Who was responsible for the massacre? And why?

The Sereton Kingdom, by all accounts, had been relatively peaceful and harmonious, especially in contrast to neighbouring nations. This stability, however, came at a cost. King Afras, striving for peace, had implemented strict limitations on trade and movement, severing connections with other countries.

Many attributed these measures to the lessons learned from his late father, King Maleos. King Maleos had relentlessly pursued the kingdom's growth, often at great expense. His approach involved appointing five lords to oversee foreign affairs, a strategy that bore its own complications.

During King Maleos's reign, the relationships between the Sereton Kingdom and other nations were forged. It was a delicate balance - while he garnered substantial support, dissent against his leadership also grew. Opening the empire to foreign countries for trade, knowledge exchange, and cultural interactions stirred unease among the native creatures, who held a deep sense of belonging to their land.

King Maleos, an elf, hailed from a dynasty that had ruled the Sereton Kingdom for generations. Among the native creatures in Sereton, elves formed the largest population.

Among the tales and myths surrounding the creation of the Boundless World, one story prevailed, a narrative often recounted as both bedtime stories and mythical legends:

In ancient times, the Boundless World lay devoid of life - no animals, plants, humans, or even bacteria. It was a place of absolute stillness, where time seemed inconceivable. The blue sky held clouds that meandered aimlessly, almost yearning for a companion to converse with. Meanwhile, the motionless ground observed the sky and the enigmatic Boundless World itself.

As with all things in the universe, even the timeless stillness had to accept its end.

It began with a peculiar bubbling emerging from the heart of a lake nestled within the Kerroster Woods. These woods, residing in the northern expanse of the Boundless World, were deemed sacred as they bore witness to the first signs of life. The lake's mysterious bubbling persisted, growing louder and more intense over the course of hours until it resembled the breaths of an unseen, colossal entity beneath the waters. After half a day, the entire lake churned violently, its surface mirroring the surging waves of a vast sea. And from the lake's centre emerged a towering figure.

Described as standing at a staggering height of 20 feet, taller than any tree in the Kerroster Woods, this figure possessed strength and determination that reflected in his intense gaze. His features were rugged, almost imposing, enough to dissuade a second glance from onlookers to avoid any potential trouble.

With a commanding jawline, eyes that seemed to see across the expanse of the Boundless World, a broad nose to inhale every scent imaginable into his colossal lungs, and a wide mouth seemingly capable of voicing the world's every word—this figure, known as Odi, inspired countless depictions in stories passed down through generations.

Yet, no one had ever truly encountered this enigmatic being within the Boundless World.

As soon as Odi emerged, his first act was to touch the land adjacent to the lake, imparting his life force into it to awaken the dormant soil. Almost instantaneously, a miraculous tree sprouted from this spot, bearing a bounty of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. This wondrous tree rapidly soared to a height of at least 200 feet, casting its shade across the landscape. When Odi finally lifted his hand, he exhaled a long breath, thus birthing the first wind. This wind, in turn, carried seeds from the tree's various produce to spread across the world.

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