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"You think she likes girls?" Ebony asked. The girls all sat around a table in the local pub, the Mystic Grill after school, sharing a basket of fries until they got their food.

"Who, Bonnie?" Chanel asked. She shook her head, chucking. "No. Bonnie's about as boy-crazy as it gets."

"Not even one full day here and you're already lookin' for someone to hunch," Twan teased. Ebony scowled, throwing a fry at her.

"Shut up."

"Here's that food for you," the server told the girls as she sat down plates of food. "Anything else?"

"We're good," Chanel smiled. "Thanks, Vicki."

Lana immediately began scarfing down her burger like she hadn't eaten in years.

"Damn girl," Twan commented. "Slow down. It ain't goin' nowhere."

"I skipped lunch," Lana told them in between bites. "Now, I'm hungry."

"His name is Stefan Salvatore," Lana heard a voice say in the distance. She stopped chewing, swallowing whatever was left in her mouth. She looked up from her food, that sickening rage washing over her again. She looked around, trying to find whoever was talking about him.

Ebony started looking around as well, but not for the same reason. Bonnie had walked into the Grill. She was with Caroline, talking about...Stefan.

"I gotta pee," Lana announced walking away from the table. Ebony noticed she was keeping her head down, most likely to cover her dark eyes.

"He lives with his uncle at the Salvatore boarding house," Caroline continued. "He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. Military family. They moved around a lot. He's a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue." She stopped at the table next to the girls.

"You got all of that in one day?" Bonnie asked. Clearly, Chanel was wrong about Bonnie being the most boy crazy. Caroline was way worse.

"Please, I got all that between third and fourth period," Caroline waved her off. "We're planning a June wedding."

"Girl," Ebony commented. "Delusion is high in this town, apparently."

"Hey!" Caroline whined. She pouted, walking to their table.

"I'm playing," Ebony laughed. "Chill out." Caroline sat down at the table with them. "But seriously. You just met the guy."

Bonnie laughed, sitting down in the chair next to her. "She wants a Prince Charming."

"Cece, I'm saying this 'cause I love you," Twan put her hand on Caroline's. "For the love of God, do not base your relationships off of a fairytale. Most of the Princes were creeps."

"No, 'cause let's talk about it," Chanel spoke up. "Wasn't Snow White, like, fourteen?"

Bonnie laughed. "Oh, God, I think we just sent them down a rabbit hole." She grabbed a French fry out of the basket. "Let's not forget that two different princes kissed unconscious, pretty much dead, women."

"Did I just walk into a necrophilia conversation?" Lana asked, coming back to the table. She sat on the other side of Ebony, finishing the last of her food.

"You guys have just ruined fairy tales for me," Caroline said, disgusted.

"You're very welcome," Ebony gave a sarcastic smile. She looked at the door of the Grill, seeing Tanner and another guy, Matt, walk through the door. "Speaking of Prince Charming, there goes yours."

Chanel turned to the door, seeing her boyfriend, walking to the table.

"Mitch, hey," Bonnie greeted. "Hi, Matt."

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