"Did anyone ever seem particularly angry with her?"

"A couple weeks ago my chief of cardio, Preston Burke, had come in here in a rage. Izzie was on his service and had scrubbed in on a risky surgery, they lost the patient and he solely blamed her because she was holding onto a clamp and the clamp slipped. I was able to calm him down and he admitted that even if the clamp hadn't slipped the outcome probably would have remained the same. It just caught me off guard because normally Preston is very much in control of his emotions, I had never seen him that angry."

"Was he here last night?" Officer Jacobs asked, her gut telling her to dig for more information.

"Yes, the trauma that came in had a cardiac case that he worked with Alex Karev, who is actually the one who found Izzie. He and Cristina Yang were the only two of Bailey's interns who were scheduled last night and we had enough hands here that we didn't feel the need to page Stevens or O'Malley." Richard explained as the officers and agent exchanged looks.

"Okay, we still need to review the security footage to see how Izzie ended up back at the hospital. We also would like to talk to the other interns in her group as well as her resident and Dr. Burke." Officer Jacobs said as Richard nodded and gestured for them to come around his desk. He pulled up the parking lot security footage on his computer and it showed Izzie Stevens getting out of her car at 7:36pm the night before, glancing down at her pager in her hand. "What time did the trauma come in?"

"Not until close to 8:30, we first received word of the trauma shortly after 8:00."

"And you can't think of any reason she would have been paged?" Officer Taylor asked, focusing on the slightly irritated expression on the intern's face as she looked down at her pager.

"None at all, especially considering that we had no clue that a trauma was coming in at this time. I would think maybe she was paged about a patient, but she wasn't on call last night and if I remember correctly, she wasn't on anyone's service yesterday. I believe Dr. Bailey had her on scutt due to her recent behavior." They continued to watch the cameras and saw that as Izzie was approaching the main door, something off camera caught her attention causing her to walk around the side of the hospital, out of camera view.

"Is there a camera over where she's walking?"

" That camera was broken two days ago. It appeared as if a rock was thrown at it and obviously we couldn't check the footage to find out exactly what happened. We have a replacement camera being installed tomorrow which obviously doesn't help us now." Richard sighed, putting his head in his hands. At the time he didn't think much of the camera being vandalized, but now it all seems too calculated to be a coincidence. "Bailey's interns are waiting in the locker room, I can take you there now while I track down Bailey and Burke." Richard led the three to the locker room where Bailey and her interns were trying to wrap their heads around what happened to their co-worker. "Dr. Bailey, I didn't expect to find you here. This is Officer Taylor, Officer Jacobs, and Agent Nicholls. They need to talk to all of you about Izzie. Feel free to use either the conference rooms or even my office, I'm going to go find Burke for you guys." He offered on his way out.

"I understand that you are all probably in shock, we just have a few questions and then we'll be out of your hair. George O'Malley? Do you want to come with me? I understand that you were the last person to see her alive, I just want to get your version of events so we can try to figure out what happened to your friend. Jacobs, do you want to talk to Karev while Taylor talks to Yang? I figure if we split up we can cover ground faster." Agent Nicholls proposed to the officers who both nodded in agreement. "Dr. Bailey, if you want to just sit tight one of us will be back soon to talk to you." She said to the visibly shaken resident before leading George down the hall.

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