Episode 4: Tokyo rescue road trip.

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At Saturday morning, You, Joe, Matt, Tai, Izzy, Sora, Kari, and T.K are in the meeting room talking about an unknown digimon approached somewhere in Tokyo.

"So let get this straight of what you are trying to say Izzy, you got an mysterious text messages from people who are in Tokyo that an unknown digimon is approaching in Tokyo and they want our help to stop that unknown distance from harming anyone in Tokyo, am I getting it right???" You asked while looking at Izzy in confusion.

"Yes, and I also checked in my computer and it says that The unknown digimon is Kuwagamon and it seems that Kuwagamon is not going to stop until the whole town of Tokyo is destroyed, but Mammothmon is also with Kuwagamon in Tokyo." Izzy said.

"Oh no, what are we going to do??" Sora said.

"I think that it is time for us to go to Tokyo, however we need to go separate teams on between Mammothmon and Kuwagamon, I told the principal that we can take a summer break, and the Principal said that we can have a summer break, so pack up your bags everyone, we're going to Tokyo." You said while looking at you team members.

>>In the Tokyo Airport>>>

"Okay guys, I have made separate teams on attacking Kuwagamon and Mammothmon, Izzy, Sora, Matt, and Kari, you are on the 1st team of attacking Kuwagamon, and as for Joe, T.K, Tai, and I will be the 2nd team of attacking Mammothmon, so if you are ready to battle against Kuwagamon and Mammothmon, then let's go." You said while looking at them.

*in the city of Tokyo, the townspeople of Tokyo are running away from Kuwagamon and Mammothmon while running to the military base*

"Everyone, let's go." Tai said.

Palmon, Patomon, Biyomon, Gomamon, Tentomon, Agumon, and Gabumon started to digivolve...

Palmon digivolve to, Togemon.

Biyomon digivolve to Birdramon.

Tentomon digivolve to Kabuterimon.

Gabumon digivolve to Garurumon.

Agumon digivolve to Greymon.

Gomamon digivolve to Ikkakumon.

Patomon digivolve to Angemon.

"Okay everyone, we need to lure Mammothmon and Kuwagamon out of Tokyo, so try your best to get Mammothmon and Kuwagamon out of Tokyo." You said.

"Roger that." Joe, Matt, Sora, Kari, Tai, Matt, Izzy, and T.K said while going to two separate teams on attacking Kuwagamon and Mammothmon.

After the 1st team of attacking Kuwagamon, Kuwagamon got deleted from the real world of Tokyo, however the 2nd team of attacking Mammothmon can't get Mammothmon to be defeated.

"Okay boys, do you have any ideas to defeat Mammothmon??" You asked, but then, Joe got an idea. "Wait, what if Togemon punched Mammothmon in the stomach, then Angemon attacks Mammothmon in the other side of the stomach, which makes Greymon used Nova Blast to make sure that Mammothmon won't try to escape from us and after Greymon used Nova Blast, then Ikkakumon can use Harpoon Torpedo at Mammothmon??" Joe asked while looking at you. "Well, I guess we have no other choice, Tai, T.K, we need to follow Joe's idea, so let's try Joe's idea if it's a great idea." You said while Tai and T.K nodded in agreement.

After battling against Mammothmon, Mammothmon used the last of it's strength, used it's trunk to grab you and lifts you up.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!" You screamed while Joe, T.K, Tai, Palmon, Patomon, and Agumon looked at you in surprise and fear, then Mammothmon and You started falling off the cliff of Tokyo, but then, you heard an strange voice.

Cupimon started to digivolve..

Cupimon digivolve to Lucemon.

Lucemon started to fly towards you and Mammothmon.

"Hang in there, I am coming to save you." Lucemon said while flying to you, as he fly's to you, Lucemon grabs you, fly's to the safe grass of Tokyo, fly's back Mammothmon and started using Lucemon's attack.

"Grand cross." Lucemon said while using his Grand cross attack on Mammothmon, Mammothmon got hit by the Grand Cross attack, and gets deleted from the real world of Tokyo, Lucemon fly's to you while you watch the battle scene.

"Lucemon, thank you so much for saving me." You said while giving Lucemon a hug, Lucemon smiles and hugs you back. "You're welcome, Y/n." Lucemon said.

In the airport back home, Joe, Sora, Kari, T.K, Matt, Izzy, Tai, your and their Digimon runs to you and hugs you gently, Y/n's friends and their Digimon didn't notice that Cupimon is in your backpack.

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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