Jane mumbled the rest. She looked at me and her eyes soften. "Wanna get some ice cream, little wolf?" My eyes widened in excitement and I eagerly nodded my head which made the vampire laugh, patting my head. "Looks go."

Grinning, I lead the way to the kitchen. After nearly two months of staying in the werewolf castle, I know where most rooms are. Whenever I'm not hanging out with my mates or friends, I'm exploring.

It's really fun. Well, not the parts when I get super lost and either a maid or knight has to help me get back.

In the kitchen, the cooks quickly noticed us, stopping what they were doing and bowed. Jane ignored them as we went over to the fridge.

She took out a small tub of strawberry ice cream and chocolate chip, which as recently became my new favorite. Handing me the chocolate chip and a spoon, I quickly ripped the top off and dug in.

Jane shook her head smiling. She lead me over to some chairs and we took a seat, sitting there in silence as we ate our ice cream.

The nervous cooks avoided getting close us as much as possible, it was kind of funny seeing them all scared. I think Jane found it funny too.

After a while, a pale, scrawny guy walked into the kitchen. He looked jumpy and a bit on edge. I figured out why when I saw the red eyes. Vampire.

He looked around until he spotted us. He raced over in a blink of an eye, standing next to Jane who looked annoyed that he was now here. "Your majesty, there's urgent business you must address immediately."

Jane put her spoon down, tapping her sharp nails against the table as she thought about it for a moment. "Hmm...I don't want to." The young man became more distress. "Please, your majesty. It's really urgent and needs your attention."

At this point, I think he's about to get on his knees and I'm starting to feel bad for him. "Not feeling it at the moment. Come back later." Jane smiled, going back to her ice cream. Like I said, she likes to ignore her duties.

"You should go, Jane. It's seems really important." Jane stared at me frowning before letting out an annoyed sigh.

"I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this because my mate asked me too. Understand?" The guy gulped, nodding his head. Jane sat up and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "See you later, little wolf."

Turning their backs to me, the two vampire quickly left. Now alone and feeling the stares from the staff, I put my ice cream away and left as well. Wandering the halls out of boredom for a while.

My mood lit up when I remembered that Eli was here too. She came to visit Emma earlier then run off to do some painting since some of her supplies are here. I should go bother her.

Grinning, I sped walked to where I would might find the demon queen and luckily she was there. Opening the door and peaking my head in, Eli turned to me, brush in one hand and a palette in the other.

Her sleeves were rolled up, revealing part of a tattoo on her arm whilst paint stained her hands.

There was a a big canvas in-front of her but I paid no attention towards it for now as I rushed over to Eli. Immediately at her side in which I hugged.

She chuckled, sitting her things down as she returned the hug. "Hello, darling. It's only been a couple hours since I last saw you." I whined. "Doesn't mean I can't miss you." Eli nodded her head. "Guess you're right, my little angel."

"Of course I'm right." I grumbled under my breath. My mates and I bond has been getting stronger each day we're together, which makes it hard for us to be part too long.

One time when Emma was really busy, I didn't see her for a few days which lead to me having a panic attack. After that, she told me that I can sit in her office whenever I want just to see her.

My head tilted when I was some red pain on Eli's cheek. "You have red paint on your face." Eli reached up and wiped her cheek with her thumb, it didn't get rid of it completely but most of it.

She looked down at her hand and stared slightly annoyed. Guess she doesn't like pain on her face.

I glanced over at the canvas she was painting. It wasn't even halfway through yet but it stilled impressed me with all the small details, making it look really realistic.

It looked to be a dungeon maybe, with a row of cells on one side. Bet it'll be fantastic like all of her other paintings.

I'm kind of jealous on how talented Eli is with painting. I can only draw a stick figure and it'll still be ugly. "Why do you like painting so much, Eli?" She shrugs, wiping her hand on her pants. "It calms me."

I hummed, blushing when the demon pulled me up onto her lap. Picking her brush and palette back up and getting back to her painting. I don't mind watching her, I just hope she doesn't get any paint on my favorite shirt.


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