Two Caring Pups 2

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                                                                               Libby's POV

It was once again, another beautiful day in Adventure Bay, and we were all watching our favorite Disney VHS's.

But then I got a call from one of my friends. It was Muffy.

She said she was stuck on a cliff and might fall.

So, we went to the cliff and found Muffy.

"Skye, use your harness to save Muffy." Ryder called.

But before Skye could bring her harness down to Muffy, she heard a bang. It turns out her helicopter has been shot.


Chase and Marshall heard the crash.

"MY BABY IS IN DANGER!" Chase panicked.

Chase and Marshall went out to find Skye. Everest and I decided to tag along.

We found Skye's helicopter in a grassy field and there was Skye, badly injured.

"Skye, oh my goodness." Chase panicked.

Chase revealed the person who shot down Skye's helicopter was.

"Mayor Humdinger?!" Marshall gasped.

"Yes, I was the one who shot down Skye's helicopter." Humdinger smirked.

Humdinger was captured for shooting down Skye's helicopter.

Chase and Marshall carried Skye back to the Lookout.

Back at the Lookout, Skye was resting on a bed, her paw was badly sprained, and she has cuts on her face.

Chase and Marshall bandaged up her sprained paw and the cuts on her face. Everest and I helped out too.

"Thanks, guys." Skye said.

Chase, Marshall, and Everest licked Skye a lot.

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