Chapter 2- Mysterious being

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As Asta opened his eyes, he'd felt like years had passed since the last time he woke up. However, all he saw was a void in front of him. No trees, debris from the fight, people or the ground. He was floating in a white space.Alone. "Hello?" Was all he could muster up the courage to say. Usually he's a pretty outgoing guy but this unnatural place was leaving him slightly unnerved. "Yo Asta over here!"
He turned to see Liebe to his right who had been trying to get his attention for a while. "Yo Liebe, WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?!" Asta shouted at the top of his lungs to his brother's discomfort.
"Shut up will you I have no idea where we are or what happened."

Suddenly, a voice with immense force said, "HELLO FLAWS OF THE WORLD." Instantly the two brothers were on guard, slightly afraid yet curious to find out who or what was talking to them. "Hey! How dare you give us a nickname like that! Who do you think you are huh?" Asta questioned.
"WELL IT'S TRUE ISN'T IT? YOU TWO ARE THE ONLY TWO BEINGS IN EXISTENCE WHO DON'T POSSESS A DROP OF MANA INSIDE OF YOUR BODYS. ITS AS IF YOU'RE NOT EVEN ALIVE." The voice bellowed with force and even a hint of a laugh could be heard. "Oh yeah? Well who says we need mana to be classed as living beings? From what I can see we are both living and breathing right now." Liebe questioned with a slight hint of venom behind his voice.
The voice paused for a moment, seemingly debating what to say. "HOW CAN YOU BE SO SURE YOURE ALIVE? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE YOU ARE." The voice responded. "Come to think of it, where are we?" Asta asked. Liebe facepalmed, growing impatient. "Just tell us where we are whoever you are!" Liebe demanded. "WOW PRETTY STRAIGHTFORWARD YOU ARE HUH LITTLE DEVIL HAHAHA" the voice had pretty much burst out laughing at Liebe's demands but nevertheless he began to explain his reason for speaking with them.

"THE WAR YOU TWO EXPERIENCED WAS HARD FOUGHT AND YOU TWO DID WIN IN THE END AT THE COST OF EVERYTHING..." Asta upon hearing this began to remember the final moments before breaking down and a wave of emotions started to well up inside. However, he was so much sad anymore but absolutely furious with himself for not saving anything. The voice then began to speak again. "IT WAS VERY ENTERTAINING FOR ME TO WATCH." Liebe turned to his brother and all he saw were veins popping up all over his body as he clenched his hands together until he drew blood.
"You fucking bastard... HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY!" Asta screamed. The being was slightly taken aback by the outburst but nevertheless pressed on with his explanation. "I DIDN'T BRING YOU HERE JUST TO TELL YOU THAT. I WISH TO GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO FIX THINGS, WILL YOU LET ME EXPLAIN?" The voice questioned. "What do you mean?" Asta asked calming down instantly.
"SO FAST?" The being thought. "I WISH FOR MORE ENTERTAINMENT SO I WILL SEND YOU BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF YOUR JOURNEY AS A MAGIC KNIGHT AND GIVE YOU THE CHANCE TO BE BETTER, STRONGER AND MORE PREPARED FOR THE WAR WITH THE DEVILS THIS TIME." Asta's heart dropped. "A chance to.. go back and fix everything?" He thought. His mind started to race with all sorts of overwhelming emotions flowing around in his mind. Liebe however was skeptic about it all but before he could question Asta began to speak. "That'd be perfect! We could do so much better if we could go through it all again right Liebe?" Liebe turned to look at his brother and saw his goofy smile on his face. He already knew where this was going. "Yeah yeah I guess we could." He answered.
"Wait wait I'm not mentally prepared yet!" Asta shouted but before he could protest he felt himself vanishing from the void.

ENTERTAIN ME MORE, FLAWS OF THE WORLD!" The voice said right at the end.
"Why does he have to call us that?" Was the last thing that left Asta's mouth before the brother vanished from the void.


Yo! Sorry for taking a week to come back to this. To be honest I haven't got much confidence in my writing as it's been a few years since I left school and haven't written anything since. I'll try to get some more chapters out earlier this time but it depends on how motivated I feel. Feel free to leave feedback or let me know if you're enjoying so far!

One last chance. (Asta X Noelle)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora