Ch. 24 - Lights, Camera, BITCH SMILE!

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"So what's this big fucking emergency?" Clarke demands when she opens the door for Raven a short while later

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"So what's this big fucking emergency?" Clarke demands when she opens the door for Raven a short while later. 

Raven strolls through into the blonde's place with a virtuous smile.

"Who said anything about an emergency?"

"Uhhhh the seven missed calls? And twice as many texts?! What the hell happened??"

"Nothing..." shrugs the brunette nonchalantly, "Anya was being moody so I just wanted to come over."

"You two still not okay?!?" 

"Mehhhh" Raven waves it off with a casual smirk as she sits on the couch, "She's a simple creature...few new sets of lingerie, a new housemaid outfit and nightly strip teases have worked wonders for me so far."  

Crossing one leg over the over, she shoots Clarke a coy smile, "And she fucks so much harder when she's mad at me too so it's a win-win."

Clarke shakes her head, "Ew I did not need to know that".

"What? It's true..."

"You're diabolical, you know that right?!" 

Raven just shrugs, "She secretly loves it." 

The pair do their best impressions of casual pretense carrying on with frivolous smalltalk, but Raven was in fact eager to see Clarke for a reason, while Clarke is preoccupied with the source of Lexa's sharp turn in mood and apparent awareness of the blonde's upcoming visit to NYC.  

Its certainly not the same now that Octavia lives considerably further and can't just pop over with Raven for the trio to hangout together.  But when Clarke mentions calling her up on facetime so she can be virtually present, Raven cuts to her real reason for coming.

"Wait before you call her," She says, "I don't wanna bore her with this stuff....but I booked your flight for the 6th and even though you're gonna stay at Luna's I still booked a suite for one night at the Ritz with a little extra special package included."   She gives a wink but when Clarke doesn't immediately smile or get giggly, her voice turns solemn.

"Hey..." She nudges Clarke next to her on the couch with her knee, "You don't seem excited..." She comments on Clarke's stressed expression, "You don't have to worry about anything except packing at least one sexy dress you don't mind getting either ruined or ripped off."

"I don't think she's the type to go ripping off my dress." Huffs Clarke.

Luna was just so... composed all the time.

With such a calming demeanor, it actually was incredibly soothing, even just talking to her over the phone. Her low, breathy laugh felt like arms slipping around her in a hug.

Her strongest appeal actually laid in that soothing self-assurance, but it was difficult for Clarke to then imaging Luna being overly vigorous in the bedroom, not when even their few nights they'd already spent together were more of a...subdued passion.

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