Modern Idiots Pt.3 - thank you bRittAnEy

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Work can only serve as an escape for so long

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Work can only serve as an escape for so long.

That... and Lexa had found another small distraction for her periodic pockets of free time as well. 

That's why it's another few weeks before she finally has enough fortitude to knock on her best friend's door.

When it opens, Anya's usually composed expression falters.

Seconds tick by in silence. Lexa anxiously looks down at her faded chucks, fiddling with the bottle of scotch in her hands.

"Can I come in?" She finally says.

Anya nods and steps back with one hand in the pocket of her high-waisted slacks, letting Lexa stroll into the apartment.

The actress softly sets the bottle of scotch on the kitchen island, as Anya silently fetches two glasses with ice.

It's uneasy, both moving on eggshells as Lexa shifts her weight back and forth, then leans against the counter.

"You can sit, you know." Says Anya, gesturing to the couch, "Unless you weren't staying."

Lexa ambles over to the living room to sit down, pleasantly surprised when she notices Anya only pouring one glass of scotch, and pulls out a bottle of tequila and lemonade from the fridge for the other.

"Since when do you keep any clear stuff around?" Lexa jokes as she's handed her drink.

Anya shrugs and sits in the chair across from her. "Knew you'd come around eventually."

The two sip in silence for a minute or two, avoiding eye contact.

"Look An, I'm sorr-"

"Nope." Anya interrupts, "It's fine, I promise. I'm the one who's sorry..."

"We don't have to do this." Says Lexa, motioning between the two of them.

"You're right, we don't." Nods Anya.

Then, after another brief pause, "But... do you want to?"

Lexa fidgets with the glass in her hands, "Want to what?"

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