Episode 9 - Sneaking in.

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At Purple's house...

King was sitting on the couch, reading a book; just a few minutes ago, he arrived from the cemetery to have some alone time with his late son, Gold. He missed him so, so much, but he's now happy with Purple, after adopting him a few months back. Suddenly, King lifted his head up - he realized that it was much quieter than normal, not hearing the familiar noise of Purple calling his friends or flying on his elytra outside.


No response. King, who was quite confused, closed his book shut and sat upright.

"Purple, are you there?"

No response again. King stood up and walked over to Purple's room, opening the door. To his surprise, the window was wide open, and on the floor, the brown bag was knocked over, fireworks spilling out of it. Lying on the bed, was Purple's phone.

"Damn it."

Meanwhile, with Purple and Second...

After around 10 minutes of going down what seemed like an endless staircase and passing many floors, the pair suddenly reached an...unusual floor.

"What the hell?" Purple muttered under his breath.

"This is new," Second mumbled, as they both looked around.

Unlike the other floors, this one had black wallpaper and a black floor. There were small traces of cuts in the floor that were clearly made from the Vira-blade. Second could recognize those cuts anywhere. In front of the duo, there were metal bars that went from the floor to the roof, like a jail cell. In the middle, there was a locked door. On the other side of the bars, they could see four metal doors, three of them locked. Second grabbed an apple from his pocket and threw it at the fence; almost immediately, the apple disintegrated into nothingness, a red binary code being left behind.

"Electric fence," Second muttered, crossing his arms. "Well played, Dark, well played."

"It seems like the door is locked as well," Purple mentioned quietly, pointing at the lock.

They both thought for a moment. How could they enter? There was an electric fence and a locked door. There was no way! At least, that's what they thought for a moment, until Second got an idea.

"I've got it! Purple, do you have an ender pearl?" Second asked in a whisper.

"Yes, but only one," Purple answered, reaching into his pocket and showing the pearl to Second. "Why?"

"You'll see in a moment," Second replied quietly, grabbing Purple's arm and pulling him slightly to the side. "Now, I want you to throw the pearl in-between the fence."

"Sec, are you crazy?" Purple hissed, turning to Second. "That's like, a four-inch gap! And besides, if I somehow miss, you do realize we'll end up like that apple, right?"

"I know, I know," Second sighed. "But what other option do we have? It's either life or death, Purple. It's a 50/50 chance, and I'm willing to risk it!"

"How about you? I only have one pearl."

"I'm gonna hold onto you, of course. So, are you gonna risk it?"

Purple sighed, and aimed at the gap, the pearl in his hand. Second held onto his shoulder.

"My dad's gonna kill me," Purple whispered under his breath.

"That is, if the fence doesn't kill you first."

"Don't make it worse, Second."

Purple threw the pearl, fortunately passing through the tight gap and landing on the other side. Once it hit the ground, the pair immediately got teleported where the pearl landed, rolling onto the floor. Second quickly stood up and went over to Purple.

"Purple, you did it!" Second laughed, helping the slightly traumatized Purple up.

"That was terrifying," Purple confessed, taking a deep breath. "Why do I always listen to you?"

"Because you trust me, obviously."

Purple rolled his eyes and turned to the unlocked door, Second following his gaze.

"So, should we go inside?" Second asked.

"I mean, the other doors are locked, so we don't really have a choice, do we? C'mon, let's go!"

Purple walked towards the door, Second shortly following behind him. Slowly, he creaked the door open, and went inside.

Like the hallway, the room had a black wallpaper and a black floor, the only light source being a single lightbulb in the middle of the room. As the duo continued walking slowly inside, they saw two identical tables opposite eachother, both of them decorated in the familiar, red cuts. On one of the tables, there was a metal key. Letting his curiosity get the better of him, Purple picked it up.

"A key... hey, don't you think that this could unlock one of the locked doors outside?"

"Oh, you're right! Maybe it does..."

Suddenly, they heard a door unlock. They lifted their heads and turned to the door. Standing there, was Dark, clutching the Vira-band in his hand.

"You guys are making a big mistake," Dark chuckled.

To be continued...

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