Chapter 21

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Saturday night-the party :

The next evening, the party venue was transformed into a stunning spectacle. The decorations were breathtaking, with intricate balloons, sparkling streamers, and vibrant flowers adorning the space. The lighting was dim and cozy, with soft music playing in the background, setting the tone for a magical night. The aroma of delicious food wafted through the air, making everyone's mouth water in anticipation. The stage was set for a memorable evening, and the excitement was palpable as guests began to arrive, dressed in their finest attire. The atmosphere was electric, and it was clear that this was going to be a night to remember.

Noor and Pushpa stood at the entrance, warmly welcoming guests with bright smiles and open arms, their eyes shining with happiness. Meanwhile, Shivani was busy at the food counter, expertly arranging the delectable dishes and ensuring everything was perfect for the guests. Her creativity and attention to detail were evident in the beautifully presented appetizers and desserts.

Across the room, Santu was engaged in a lively conversation with her friends, laughing and chatting as they caught up on each other's lives. Though she was still a bit subdued from her conversation with Shivani, her natural warmth and charisma shone through as she connected with those around her. The atmosphere was filled with the joy and warmth of friendship and celebration.

Karishma just made a dramatic entrance, strutting into the party with a stunning outfit that left everyone in awe. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds, and her confident smile captivated the attention of every guest. The room fell silent for a moment,Her outfit was a masterpiece of fashion, perfectly accentuating her curves and radiating a sense of glamour. The crowd couldn't help but stare, mesmerized by her poise and grace.

Even Noor, Pushpa, Shivani, and Santu were taken aback, their faces beaming with admiration and delight. Karishma's entrance was like a breath of fresh air, injecting a new wave of energy and excitement into the party. As she began to mingle, the room erupted in a flurry of activity.

Karishma, still commanding the attention of the room, made a beeline for Shivani, her eyes locked on her with an air of expectation.

"Where is Haseena? Is she not here yet?"

Shivani, replied:
"Pata nahi, party uski hi hai, toh thoda waqt toh lagega hi na, wait kar."

Karishma's gaze lingered on Shivani's face, as if searching for any hidden information, before nodding and turning to mingle with the other guests.

And suddenly, Haseena made a resplendent entrance to the party from inside her house, She was adorned in a resplendent blue saree, its shimmering fabric cascading down her form like a celestial waterfall, paired with a sleek black blouse that accentuated her elegance. As she entered the room, it was as if the very fabric of time itself had come to a standstill, and all that existed was Haseena, a vision of loveliness, bathed in the radiant glow of admiration and wonder.

her makeup was subtle yet striking, highlighting her features and exuding a sense of confiden As she moved towards the assembly and the room erupted into a chorus of admiration and applause, with whispers of "breathtaking", "stunning", and "regal" echoing through the crowd. It was as if time itself had stood still, and all that existed was Haseena.

As Karishma gazed at Haseena, her eyes lingered with an intensity that hinted at secrets unspoken. It was as if her desires had taken on a life of their own, manifesting in the depths of her eyes like a silent confession.

In that moment, Karishma's gaze was a gentle caress, a soft brushstroke on the canvas of Haseena's heart. It was as if she sought to touch the very essence of Haseena, to leave an imprint on the places that Haseena herself had yet to discover. The unspoken desire in Karishma's eyes was a siren's call, beckoning Haseena to explore the uncharted territories of her own passion and desire.

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