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That feeling of being in love, isn't it magical?
Isn't it that small laughs?
Isn't it the way i look at you?
Isn't it that moments you wanna freeze?
Isn't it just to be able to smile without blushing?
That feeling of love is magical isn't it?
The way your voice has its own music,
The way you hold the cup of tea,
The way your hair moves to the wind,
The way you make a small pinch on your nose while you sneeze,
That feeling of love is magical isn't it?
The brown orbs of your eyes,
The flavour of your Cologne,
The colour of your skin,
The torn jeans you wear,
That feeling of love is magical isn't it?
Your smile while you like something,
Your shyness when you're teased,
Your muscular build,
Your height which makes my heart skip a beat,
That feeling of love is magical isn't it?
No words shall describe that magic,
No equivalent to what I feel,
Now i leave with a sting in my heart,
For you know not a bit,
That feeling of love is magical. Isn't it?

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