𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐄 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬...

Start bij het begin

However, for the girl, seeing her lover standing before her felt like a wicked twist of fortune — a hallucination born from the depths of her fractured mind. She had convinced herself that he was gone, lost to her forever in the unforgiving jaws of the Fatherland, and the shock of his presence sent a jolt of panic coursing through her veins. Her heart thundered in her chest, the rush of adrenaline drowning out the clamor of her surroundings as she struggled to comprehend the impossible reality before her. The memories of their last moments together, the agony of their parting, flooded her mind like a torrential downpour, threatening to drown her in a sea of despair.

And just then, to make matters worse, Gale's concerned glance fell upon her, his brows furrowing with worry as he took in the savagery of her injuries. The apprehension etched into his features only served to amplify the tumult of emotions raging within her — relief, disbelief, and an overwhelming surge of longing that menaced to consume her whole. But underneath the surface of her roiling emotions lay a deep well of pain, both physical and emotional, the scars of her captivity still fresh upon her assaulted body and shattered spirit. Each step he took towards her felt like a dagger to her heart, reopening wounds she had thought long since healed, the rawness of her grief laid bare for all to see.

"Y/n..." His voice trembled with sympathy as he took in the extent of her injuries, his heart clenching at the sight of her pain. "What did they do to you?" His hands reached out instinctively, aching to soothe her wounds, to offer her comfort in the midst of her suffering. But as he drew closer, expecting her arms to welcome him eagerly, he was met with an unanticipated sting across his cheek, the sharp sound of her palm meeting his skin reverberating in the stillness of the camp. Shock painted across his features, Gale recoiled, his eyes locked with hers, searching for answers in the depths of her tear-filled eyes.

"You fucking asshole!" Her words lashed out like a whip, each syllable dripping with anguish and betrayal. He stood frozen, the weight of her accusations heavy upon his shoulders, the reality of his absence a bitter pill to swallow. "I hate you — I hate you so fucking much." Her tears fell like rain, each drop an attestation to the agony she had suffered in his absence, the loneliness that had depleted her soul. And in that moment, Buck felt a wave of remorse crash over him, the realization of the pain he had caused her cutting deeper than any physical wound. With quivering hands, he reached out to cup her face, his touch gentle yet desperate. 

"Y/n, I'm so sorry... I never meant to hurt you." He whispered, his marine orbs flooded with tears that almost dared to mingle with hers, a silent appeal for forgiveness hanging between them. In the wreckage of their meeting, amongst the shattered remnants of their relationship, the blonde vowed to do whatever it took to make amends — to mend the broken pieces of her heart and win back her trust. As the girl's sobs wracked her body, Gale felt a crushing burden settle upon him, the guilt of his disappearance like chains binding him to her sorrow. This wasn't the first time he had left her, even if under different circumstances, so he could understand where she was coming from.

Without a word, he enveloped her in his arms, pulling her close to his chest, offering her the comfort of his embrace amidst the turmoil of her teardrops. Her cries resounded in the hollow space between them, each sob a symphony of pain and longing. It was the first time he had seen her so vulnerable in years, and the fact that it was all because of him made him hate himself even more. But despite the demons he was battling internally, Gale Cleven held her tightly, as if afraid that she might slip away from him once more, his fingers tracing soothing circles along her back, his touch a lifeline in the nightmare that had become her life.

"I'm here, Ducky." He murmured softly, his voice a gentle whisper against her hair, his heart aching with every tear she shed. "I'm so sorry... I'll never leave you again, I swear." In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the universe withering away until there was only the two of them, bound together by the fragile thread of destiny. And as the girl wept into his chest, her pain mingling with his own, the blonde vowed to cherish her, to protect her, to be the rock upon which she could lean in the stormy seas of life. Caressing her as if she were the most precious thing in the world, his embrace was a fortress against the harsh realities of their surroundings. 

He pressed a tender kiss to the crown of her head, his lips lingering there in mute devotion, a wordless promise of his unwavering commitment to her. With each hitched breath she took, he felt her pain engrave itself into his own soul, the ache of her melancholy booming through him like a thunderclap. But in that moment, all he could do was hold her close, offering her the sanctuary of his arms — a haven where her woes could flow freely, unburdened by the weight of the world.  As her whimpers began to subside, Buck brushed away the remnants of her tears with gentle fingers, his touch feather-light against her dampened cheeks. 

"Shh, it's okay." He murmured soothingly, his voice a hypnotic melody in the tranquility of their shared cradle. "I've got you, y/n. I'm not going anywhere." He whispered. And in the warmth of his hug, the girl felt a flicker of hope rekindle within her, a spark of light amidst the gloom that drowned all it touched. For in Gale's arms, she found not just peace, but also strength — the power to face whatever trials lay ahead, knowing that together, they could weather any storm. And as he felt her calm down, and relax into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck, he figured that all was forgiven.

A tempest of sensations rampaged within him, threatening to engulf him in its turbulent wake. The sight of her battered form, the evidence of her misery inscribed into every bruise and scar, tore at his heartstrings with a ferocity he could scarcely bear. He had returned to her, yes, but at what cost? Suppressed tears streamed down his own face, unnoticed by all... He was grateful beyond measure that she was alive, that fate had granted them this improbable reunion, but the knowledge of the horrors she had gone through since he last saw her, weighed heavily upon him like a leaden shroud, considering that it was only 10 days ago that they had uh, fucked.

Each slash, each gash, felt like a damning indictment of his failure. He had promised to protect her, to cherish her, and yet he had allowed her to bleed at the hands of their enemies. But amidst the discord of his self-recriminations, Gale clung to the fragile hope that their love represented — one that had withstood the trials of war, and survived despite the odds stacked against them. And as his silent tears mingled with hers, he swore to do whatever it took to heal the wounds that marred her body and soul, to make amends for the pain he had caused her, and to ensure that never again would they be torn asunder by the cruel whims of war.

As the consequences of her ordeal finally caught up with her, y/n's body felt like lead, each movement a herculean effort. With each passing second, her head grew lighter, her senses dulled by the weight of exhaustion and distress. Her eyelids grew heavy, drooping shut as if seeking refuge from the havoc that reigned within her. The rhythm of her heartbeat grew labored, each thud sonorous like a drumbeat in the lull that engulfed her. Then, with a sudden lurch, the world seemed to tilt on its axis, spinning wildly around her. Her stomach churned as if caught in a whirlwind, and her senses reeled as she struggled to maintain her balance.

But before she could recollect herself, her legs gave out beneath her. She braced herself for the jarring collision with the ground, but to her surprise, it never came. Instead, she found herself wrapped in strong arms, her descent arrested by a guardian angel in the guise of her beloved. As her consciousness faded, the last thing she felt was the warmth of his embrace, and the purity of his affection. In that pivotal instant, y/n knew she wasn't just holding onto Gale Cleven's physical form; she was embracing the essence of undying love and solace he symbolized. He might've been an idiot for being captured out of the blue like that, but at least she knew that he was hers.

Besides, she had plenty of time to lecture him about basic relationship etiquette once she'd regain her consciousness.

(1.9k words)



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