{Next, It's your turn}

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Izuku arrives home and his mother is glad to see that he is safe and sound. Izuku goes to his bedroom and lies on his bed, exhausted from everything that has transpired, and wonders if he made the right choice to rescue Katsuki. He falls asleep after reading reports about All Might's retirement. Later that evening, Izuku receives a message from All Might. Izuku runs out of his home and heads towards All Might's location.

The evening sky painted a somber backdrop as Nozomi Akatsuma trudged through the quiet streets towards her home. The rescue of Bakugo had been a success, but the victory felt hollow to her. As she unlocked the door to her small apartment, the silence greeted her like an unwelcome guest. She tossed her keys onto the table, the clatter echoing off the walls, a stark reminder of the emptiness that surrounded her.

Nozomi's dark green hair, usually vibrant with life, hung limply around her shoulders, the highlights lost in the dim light of the entryway. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror—those  Ocean eyes that once held such determination now reflected a deep weariness. The scar over her right eye, a constant reminder of past battles, seemed more pronounced in her exhaustion.

She moved through the rooms mechanically, each step heavy with the weight of her solitude. The freckles on her cheeks, often a sign of youthful exuberance, now seemed to accentuate the pallor of her skin. She paused, her gaze falling on the semi-colon tattoo on her upper arm—a symbol of her resolve to continue despite the struggles she faced.

The loneliness was a tangible presence, wrapping around her like a shroud. Her telekinesis quirk, a gift that made her feel invincible in the heat of battle, now felt like a burden in the silence of her home. She thought of Izuku and Shoto, her comrades, her friends. They were her family in this relentless fight against villainy, yet here she was, isolated in her own sanctuary.

Nozomi sank into the couch, the cushions enveloping her tired body. She closed her eyes, and for a moment, she allowed herself to feel the full extent of her fatigue. The battles, the losses, the constant fight—it all weighed heavily on her soul. She longed for a reprieve, for a moment of peace amidst the chaos of her life as a hero.

At the Takoba Municipal Beach Park, Izuku goes to All Might. However, All Might greets Izuku with a Texas Smash as a part of his scolding for coming to the front lines during the Hideout Raid. All Might reveals to Izuku that he can no longer use One For All and demonstrates this by entering his hero form, only to exit it in a split second afterward. All Might informs Izuku that he is retiring as a Hero since he is in a state where he cannot fight anymore.

All Might scolds his protégé for never doing what he is told and for his recklessness in rescuing Katsuki. However, All Might is glad that his recklessness did not get him injured this time and is proud of Izuku for that. All Might hugs Izuku and apologizes for not being a proper mentor towards him, but he promises to spend his life grooming the young man to become the next symbol of peace.

Izuku begins to cry, to which All Might scolds him again. Izuku now fully understands that the age of All Might has come to an end.

The Hero Billboard Chart JP, a chart that tabulates the rankings of Pro Heroes in Japan twice per year, announces the headlines. All Might's true form has had Japan and even the Hero Headquarters in America in an uproar. All Might's retirement has also contributed to this uproar. Best Jeanist, the Number Four Hero, survived the Kamino Ward incident and is taking a rest from his duties as a Hero for an extended amount of time.

Meanwhile, the Number 32 Hero, Ragdoll whose Search Quirk was stolen (reported by the Hero Billboard Chart as an abnormal change) has become unfit for duty and thus her Pro Hero career has been put on hold indefinitely. At the Pussycats Agency, Kota Izumi sees the members of the Hero Team comfort Tomoko Shiretoko as she cries over her stolen Quirk and the end of her career as a hero.

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