Forgive, Forget

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Loud sirens blaring, a white and red truck arriving, the sound pierced through his ears.


Ryujin was scrolling through her contacts, trying to find a person to talk to. A certain one suddenly appealed to her.

'밤규 Teddy Bear'

Ryujin tapped on the contact, instantly calling him. Her sweet memories flashed in her mind, warmth invading her.


The person on the other line, Beomgyu, was busy studying for an exam he was taking. The sudden ring in his phone made him look up from the pile of papers and books. He took off his glasses, as he got up to check who was calling him at this hour.

'류진 내 사랑'

He suddenly froze, seeing the caller ID. Nevertheless, he swallowed hard as he picked the phone up.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"How are you?"

"I'm...okay. Have you been good?"

"I'm fine, but I was just missing you. Can you come over to my house?" Ryujin asked with a pout, even though he couldn't see her. Beomgyu on the other line already understood what she was doing, he had known her way too much to predict her actions.

"I-I...can't come visit. At an event."

Beomgyu lied through his teeth, he was at home, studying for something he didn't even care about.

"Oh...can you come tomorrow? I wanna see you." She asked, believing his white lie. Beomgyu's hands curled into a fist. He felt like crying, more at the fact that he successfully lied to her when he promised her that he's someone she could trust.

"O-Okay. I'll come."

Beomgyu bit his lip, guilt rushing through him. He could sneak out, but knowing the guards at his house never supported him, it wasn't the best option.

"Why do you seem so sad? Just brighten up a little!" She said, a hypnotic laugh escaping her lips. Beomgyu's eyes suddenly started to sting with hot tears. He quickly wiped them away, trying his best to seem happier in front of her.

"I'm not sad, just bored. But not anymore."

"Oh well, I wanna keep talking to you forever, but I gotta go eat dinner now." Ryujin said, hearing a call from her mother.

"Oh...okay. How much have you remembered?"

"A lot actually, I remembered you too. Still cannot remember that asshole that pushed me into the road and made me get amnesia." She said with a laugh. Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows at her comment, confused as that wasn't what happened. But decided to not ask any further questions.

"Okay, mom's getting annoyed, I'll get going."

"I love you, bye!"

The call disconnected after that, with Beomgyu completely breaking down.

Tears trickled down his face, his heart aching, feeling guilty for everything he did to her.


"You're what?" The girl stood speechless. Beomgyu hung his head low, crying his eyes out.

"I did everything I could, my dad..." He cried harder, as Ryujin stood in silence. She fought back tears, but she understood that there was nothing they could do.

The cold December wind blew by them, standing in silence as they questioned if that was the end for them.

A girl suddenly appeared in the picture, and her expression said that she wasn't in a good mood either. The girl ran up to them, standing beside Beomgyu and interlocking their arms together.

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