Allen and Penelope

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Allen and Charlie's persistent requests for a sister became a recurring topic of conversation in the household. Their excitement and anticipation only seemed to grow with each passing day, their youthful enthusiasm infectious as they eagerly awaited their parents' decision.

Lucifer and Alastor found themselves caught between amusement and exasperation at their children's relentless pleas. While they understood their desire for a sibling, they also knew that such a decision required careful consideration and planning.

"We've talked about this, Allen, Charlie," Lucifer would say, his voice patient yet firm as he addressed his children's persistent requests. "Having a baby sister is a big responsibility, and it's not something we can decide on a whim."

Alastor would nod in agreement, his expression gentle as he added, "We want to make sure we're fully prepared to welcome a new addition to our family. And that means taking the time to think things through and make sure it's the right decision for everyone."

But despite their parents' cautious approach, Allen and Charlie remained undeterred in their quest for a sister. They would often be found huddled together, whispering excitedly about all the adventures they would have with their new sibling, their imaginations running wild with possibilities.

And as the days passed and their anticipation continued to mount, Allen and Charlie's determination only grew stronger, their hearts set on the dream of welcoming a baby sister into their loving family.

With a mischievous grin, Allen spread his wings wide, the vibrant hues of his feathers catching the faint glow of the underworld. "Come on, Penelope!" he called out, excitement gleaming in his eyes. "Let's go for a fly!"

Penelope's eyes widened with excitement as she watched her brother take flight, his graceful movements stirring a longing within her. Without hesitation, she summoned her own wings, the ethereal glow of her feathery appendages illuminating the darkness around her.

With a joyful whoop, Penelope launched herself into the air, her wings carrying her effortlessly alongside Allen as they soared through the skies of Hell. Together, they wove through the labyrinthine streets and towering spires, their laughter echoing through the night as they embarked on their impromptu adventure.

As they flew higher and higher, Allen and Penelope felt a sense of freedom unlike anything they had ever experienced before. The cool breeze ruffled their feathers, the rush of air exhilarating as they danced among the stars, their hearts filled with boundless joy and wonder.

For a moment, all worries and cares faded away, replaced by the simple joy of being together, exploring the vast expanse of their world with the wind at their backs and the sky stretching out before them. And as they continued their flight, Allen and Penelope knew that they would cherish this moment forever, a testament to the unbreakable bond between siblings and the limitless possibilities that lay ahead.

Sorry it's short, i wrote this in the middle of math exam 😶

The person who requested a short side story about those two was DEEPSHIrani
Thanks for the request, it is was a good idea!
Thanks again!

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