Back Then

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If you ask the people I grew up with, they would tell you different stories about me and have very different opinions about who I am, what I have become, what I could be and what I would never be. 99% of them would  be wrong.

Life at the orphanage was not hell it also wasn't heaven. Not to deny that orphanages are not the best place for a child to grow at, but for me I wouldn't change anything about this orphanage I called home and the only home I have ever known.

I lived in a house that had 14 other kids and that would constantly change because of very different circumstances.

I loved those other kids I shared a home with. You might think "home huh, Charity?" Yes home. When it's all you have ever known then it is home whether you like it or not. We were our own family in that house.

The two house mothers were my parents, people I needed for the affection that my parents, my family, my siblings, were supposed to give me and I was disappointed.

People always wonder how orphans live, eat, survive, and a lot of different questions but for me it's always how did I end up like this. How did the rest of the other kids end up the way they did? Why do we do the things we do? Why those choices? When will it end? Where does God come in? Why did we quit Him? Why are we here? Where is our purpose? Do we all turn out bad?

This is my story.

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