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Genre: BL, Romance, Teen Fiction

© shadowöaxed

Date Written: April 2024 -

"All I want is to be loved, was my wishes beyond my pleasure?"

- Xenon Ymielle Santiago

- Xenon Ymielle Santiago

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Surrounded by people, Xenon Ymielle Santiago was doing fine not until he realizes that he likes his best friend Kenzho Juvinn Albino. But Kenzho is his best friend, and he likes Arabella, which happens to be Xenon's girl best friend in his freshmen year.

The story begins to be more complicated when Xenon's ex crush, Jameson Reigh Loreno and its gang comes to meet him. Jameson is ex lover of Xenon's cousin that later comes to get things even worse.

Until one night, at the party, something happened that change the life of Xenon. Someone wants Xenon for himself but never let Xenon to know him. This incident becomes mystery to Xenon that makes him want to know that someone. He doesn't know who it is, but to his lead, he later found out that it is one of the people he interact.

Will Xenon be able to find out who is this mysterious guy? If his instinct is right, it might be one of his friend.

This story is work of fiction. Names, characters, places, time and events are fictitious. Unless otherwise stated. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental.

Note: This story is inspired with LGBTQIA+, if this is not suitable for you, or if you do not like this genre, you can leave and find another. This is the story of Xenon and his wishes.

Wishes Beyond Pleasure

- öwxed -

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